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In A Diploid Organism With 12 Pairs Of Chromosomes, How Many Centromeres Are Present In A Single Cell At anaphase of mitosis And Why ?...
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In a diploid organism with 12 pairs of chromosomes, how many centromeres are present in a single cell at methaphase 1 of meiosis and why ?
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I have these two from the mother in law but I can't verify if her letters are correct. Contagion transmitting organism: V*CL*R Nutty ice cream: *A**ATA Thank you...
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RT EXtra Jan. 3 down organism... clone?...
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RT EXtra Jan. 3 down organism... clone? if so how do you spell doggerel bank, 1 across?
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Answers is to do with parts of the body of any living organism Clue: Hat and Tablet for this star sign...
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In this diagram of a single-celled organism, which organelle functions as a place to store extra water?
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measurable activity of an organism
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Jelly-like Organism (5,5) S _ _ _ _ / _ O _ _ _
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occuring in an artificial environment outside a living organism
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what is the largest living organism
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Make-up of organism from genetics and environment Crossword clue one word nine letters ? ? E ? ? ? Y ? ?
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Dom Tuk
If abundance on this planet were a measure of success then which is the most successful multi cellular organism on this planet
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organism that requires oxygen for respiration a..o.e
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The Tree
darwin believed that all animals,plants etc on earth all have a common descentant ie that they all developed from the same organism.i have read about how life got started.i was just wondering if...
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10a An organism with identical genetic information to the organism from which it was created C?o?e 4d In folklore an elf like creature associated with water 32d Informal term for an instrumental...
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Last one!! 21down An organism with identical information to the organism from which it was created. I have -L-N -...
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can you please help with this clue for my dad? 3d an organism with identical genetic info to the organism from which it was created? 5 letters many thanks in advance...
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7d short film about current events formerly shown before a feature film (8) n?w?b??l 15a smallest structure in an organism able to develop into a new organism or part of one eg a spore or fertilised...

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//Residents across south Devon have been advised to boil their tap water after 16 cases of cryptosporidium were confirmed. A further 70 suspected cases in Brixham are also being investigated. The UK... ...
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Guy I work with is a dyed in the wool atheist,hardcore. Having one of our many discussions on the subject he admitted to me that he believes in life after death.I told him he couldn`t have it both...
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Maybe one of the 'big 'questions that some on here would argue about, but.... Isnt consciousness just the product of the brain, just as heat is the product of fire? Ive struggled with this question as...
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OK so I know that DNA codes proteins and messenger RNA gets this to Ribosomes use this to create chains of amino acids and proteins And I know that foetal cells are stem cells and able to become any...
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Err.. what is 'intelligent design'? something to do with evolution ( or opposing it ).. ya, that one. Can anyone give it to me in layman's terms?
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In the 1950s, say, these ulcers were quite common and sepsis rarely mentioned. Presumably ulcer treatment has much improved but why is sepsis apparently so common?...
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“Life After Death.” Interviews of scores of people who were over 50 years of age revealed that “nearly three quarters (73 percent) agree with the statement ‘I believe in...
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I have read that scientists have reconstructed the plague genome from the dental pulp and bones of plague victims buried in London. If the disease killed people in an average of three days, how come...
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what use are ants ,snails,slugs and wasps
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Gaia, A rebirth of enviromental ideas brought to the western world in the 60's but have existed for thousands of years harnessing the belief that the Earth is one living organism, humans included....
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Radio 4 programme, "Something Understood," at 06:00 Sunday, raised an interesting question. If evolution is true, then why are we programmed to pursue happiness, but end up pursuing our desires, which...
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I was interested to read Styleys post referring to heaven and what happens there..... Can anyone convince me that there IS a god - this is a serious question and not meant in any derogatory way, so...
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Why does the body eventually have to die naturally why cant cells just keep renewing?
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It's all about this versus this
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Err.. what is 'intelligent design'? something to do with evolution ( or opposing it ).. ya, that one. Can anyone give it to me in layman's terms?
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ToraToraTora ....he's a geezer 4FS!...
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Not a question - just a curiosity for the curious. A yellow organism, which looks like fungus but acts like an animal, has gone on display at a Paris zoo. Unfortunately they don't say where it was...
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//Public Health England (PHE) has launched the new "Keep Antibiotics Working" campaign to tackle the growing resistance to the drugs. TV and radio adverts and posters have been produced to discourage...
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In the light of new findings, DNA is even more beautiful and complex than we imagined, considering that it was in existence in the early life-forms on the planet, doesn't any theory of the origin of...
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….. a cry often seen on these pages – and this from a week or so back. //I find that the propaganda spouted by such as Fry and Dawkins is just as gibberish rubbish as you think the bible...

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Is the biggest organism on Earth animal, vegetable or mineral

A. It's vegetable: a grove of quaking aspen trees, or Populus tremuloides to give the tree its proper Latin name. The grove, in Utah, USA, weighs in at 6,600 tons and is the world's largest living01:00 Tue 15th May 2001

How can scientists date things such as the Dead Sea Scrolls so confidently

A. By using a chemical dating technique called radiocarbon dating. Q. When was radiocarbon dating discovered A. By a team of scientists led by the late Professor Willard F. Libby of the01:00 Mon 28th May 2001

What is Linnean classification

A. It's a scientific scheme that groups species together into increasingly smaller groups within a hierarchy. It gets its name from its creator Carolus Linnaeus (1707 - 1778), a Swedish botanist01:00 Mon 21st May 2001

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The last public execution in Britain How whales can sleep without drowningThe world's biggest organism What's behind the Willow PatternWho or what was Jim Crow12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

Find in-depth answers on

The last public execution in Britain The world's biggest organism What's behind the Willow PatternWho or what was Jim Crow12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003


: Animals dreams : Asteroids : Biggest organism : Bullfighting : Dog tagging : Elephant memory : Hair and fur : Komodo dragon : Lava : Leatherback turtles : Mosquitoes : Parrots12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003


: Animals dreams : Asteroids : Biggest organism : Bird song : Bullfighting : Dog sled : Dog tagging : Elephant memory : Hair and fur : Komodo dragon : Lava : Leatherback turtles12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003


: Animals dreams : Asteroids : Biggest organism : Bird song : Bullfighting : Dog sled : Dog tagging : Elephant memory : Hair and fur : Komodo dragon : Lava : Leatherback turtles12:12 Mon 10th Mar 2003

Bubonic plague didn't cause the Black Death

A. No. The Black Death - the pandemic that killed more than a quarter of the population of 14th-Century Europe, was not bubonic plague, according to new research from America. It was previously01:00 Mon 22nd Apr 2002

How do fish survive in sub zero temperatures

A. They use two mechanisms: notothenioid, to give them their official name, fish can tolerate the presence of ice crystals within their bodies and they have anti freeze in their blood. Q. How do01:00 Mon 14th Jan 2002

How can I get rid of recurring thrush naturally The usual creams and pessaries don't stop it coming back.

asks MissDon:A. Thrush is an extremely irritating condition which is caused by a yeast organism - Candida albicans. Q. Isn't it normal to have some yeast in the body A. Yes, but too much and you've01:00 Mon 10th Dec 2001

How does anthrax spread

A. Anthrax is a bacteria caused by the organism Bacillus anthracis, which can be found in cattle or other hoofed animals. The bacterium forms spores that can infect humans in three different ways:01:00 Mon 15th Oct 2001

Why is the Dead Sea so much saltier than any other

A. The Dead Sea, in Jordan, is one of the world’s saltiest bodies of water, six times as salty as most oceans. Basically, oceans become salty through two actions: rivers, carrying mineral01:00 Mon 27th Aug 2001

How important was Louis Pasteur

A. Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) was a French chemist who discovered the link between germs and disease. Once the link was discovered, it became easier to treat and prevent diseases. Q. So what was01:00 Mon 13th Aug 2001

Why do mosquitoes gather round my pond

A. Morene is having problems keeping mosquitoes away from the garden pond, why Because mosquitoes need water to breed: the female mosquito lays her eggs in the water. Mosquitos especially like01:00 Mon 18th Jun 2001

If mushrooms don t have seeds or roots, how do they grow

A. Mushrooms belong to a larger group of organisms called fungi. All fungi grow from microscopic dormant spores, the product of sexual reproduction. When the spores are released they disperse01:00 Mon 30th Apr 2001

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