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Hearing Aids

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2Margaret | 11:02 Mon 15th Jul 2013 | Health & Fitness
4 Answers
I think I may be reaching the time when I could benefit from an aid. Any advice please on the pros and cons of NHS aids and private aid organisations would be a great help.


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absolutely agree. The big pro of NHS hearing aids is that they are free. Digital ones are horrendously expensive. Mr nobs has 2 NHS ones and they are digital, really small and comfy. OK so there are private ones that are virtually invisible in normal use but sometimes it's useful for people to know you have one.
11:51 Mon 15th Jul 2013
Personally, I wouldn't consider buying hearing aids. OH has two, I have one (only one ear deaf!) - all digital NHS and all very good.
If you NEED aids, the NHS will provide them - and it didn't take long here , either.
I agree with gingebee.......try a NHS aid first and then if it improves your quality of life,then you could try a more discreet private aid.
absolutely agree. The big pro of NHS hearing aids is that they are free. Digital ones are horrendously expensive. Mr nobs has 2 NHS ones and they are digital, really small and comfy. OK so there are private ones that are virtually invisible in normal use but sometimes it's useful for people to know you have one.
agree, bednobs... and worth saying that batteries, repairs and re-tubing are free, too.

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