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If my dog is not getting a second helping of something, then I would not tease him by keeping saying the name. It's a funny noise Cashew is making but I don't like the teasing.
16:29 Thu 08th Aug 2019
Dreadful, mind you Cheerios - hmmmm, want some now!
That sort of "parenting" seems common these days.
Should've threatened him with no walkies.
Frankie swiped a prawn off my plate last week, maybe I should have filmed him and sold the video to the Daily Mail.

It was actually a very impressive raid, paw coming out from the desk and he skewered the prawn and ran off.

Not just cats and dogs either, we had a sneaky budgie - she would wait until my Husband left the room and swoop down on his glass.

Doing a great impersonation of a dippy duck she would fuel up with the finest Malt.

One night the level was low and she overstretched herself and went head first into the glass - a rinse under the warm tap and a quick blow dry left a rather embarrassed looking ball of yellow fluff.
Gorgeous little feller - give him his cheerios ..
A now deceased friend of mine owned 2 terriers. He lived just yards from the local Spar shop whose owner would half shut the roller blinds about five to ten, ready for closing at ten. Upon hearing the blind being rolled down, both dogs would bark furiously if my friend hadn't got them a packet of Polo mints to share :-)
Very funny, how could one resist - although on a serious note Cashew has already had way too many cheerios by the looks of him - can you say that about dogs these days :-).
I bet when Tim Berners- Lee conceived the notion of a worldwide internet, this is just the sort of thing he was praying it would be used for!!!
Spoiled indeed. But not so spoiled as these children:

What planet (or substance) are these people on?
If my dog is not getting a second helping of something, then I would not tease him by keeping saying the name. It's a funny noise Cashew is making but I don't like the teasing.
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Absolutely right, ladybirder. How is the poor dog supposed to understand:

a) - No more!
b) - Do you want more?

Presumably the dog is given more, so his behaviour is rewarded.
Some pets do not deserve their owners.
Without a doubt this was all done with the sole purpose of making a funny video clip.
Thursday, 8 August is the International Cat Day 2019

Somebody told Frankie :-(
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wolf, how can he differentiate today from the other 364? ;)

Prudie, I totally agree with you, but it is still at the expense of making a fool of the dog.
My cockatiel Spike is no fool. He loves to peck at the wall by his shelf. But, only when I look away. If I’m watching him, he pretends to be doing anything else other than eyeing up a bit of tasty wall. Animals, you’ve got to love them.
Thank you for BA choux.
if you'd asked me where that headline had come from, I'd have said The Onion.

[i]Study Finds Cats Only Meow When They Want To Alert Owner Of Neighbor’s Murder They Witnessed Through Window[i]

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