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goodlife | 14:26 Tue 10th Nov 2015 | Religion & Spirituality
46 Answers
Today, terrorism has put the whole world on alert. In any case, you will likely agree with what the apostle Paul wrote long ago: “The scene of this world is changing.”—1 Corinthians 7:31.


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Goodlife. I do admire you as a person, being happy to reject all negative replies to your quotes and twaddling. I am not sure if it is true, but the JW callers have appeared to become more civilised in the last couple of decades, usually leaving after an affirmative NO before they start to spout their cold calling repertoire. It makes me happy because I don't like...
23:03 Wed 11th Nov 2015
Why terrorism ? Power, gain, control, getting what one wants.
well done Goodlife

I never realised that the NT covered terrorism

[ not Roman Empire institutional state terrorism but the real thing ! ]

yeah Mt 16 23 Get behind me satan !

clearly now can be seen to be an order to search the baggage hold which is usually behind and below the passengers ( nb in the direction of Hades )
are else it might catch fire explode and kill everyone
( satan = hell = hot )

Gosh miraculous - written two thousand years ago and could havebeen written yesterday
Goodlife, //Ignoring problems will never solve them //

But according to you the problems of the world are not going to be solved. Destruction isn't the solution to a problem. It's a means to an end.
The frog was a prince, the prince was a brick, the brick was an egg, the egg was a bird.

Genesis: Willow Farm

Think that sums it all up nicely.
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There are a number of Hebrew and Greek words that express varying degrees of ridicule, the choice of word depending on circumstances

If you read of people that mock, deride, sneer, scoff, jeer, laugh at, or make fun of others.
Are, not general happy people (Ps 1:1)

I can appreciate how you must feel, naomi Actually, the Bible speaks of this state of affairs, saying that for centuries ‘man has dominated man to his injury.’”—Ecclesiastes 8:9.
Goodlife, I find it difficult to believe that you appreciate very much at all. My post was serious. If this God is omnipotent, as is claimed, a solution other than destruction of innocent people, including little children, must be within his power. If, indeed, he is omnipotent but chooses to destroy rather than to repair simply because his ego demands that he’s afforded the recognition he thinks he deserves, what sort of mind do you think would consider that sensible and just – not to mention rational?
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Naoni@ Are you grateful to your parents for bringing you into the world. But your life actually did not come from them in the first place.
They only passed life on to us, for with the Creator is the actual source of life. (Psalm 36:9)

We also appreciate our parents for having provided life’s necessities. Yet, while these essentials were obtained by either their money or their labors, they did not create such needed things. Hence, we have much greater reason to feel indebted to our Creator.

Were it not for the One who created the earth and made all its provisions for sustaining human life, no amount of money or laborious effort could keep us alive. As the Christian apostle Paul pointed out to the Greeks in ancient Athens: “He [the Creator] himself gives to all persons life and breath and all things. For by him we have life and move and exist.”—Acts 17:25, 28.

Despite all that the Creator has done and is doing for mankind, millions today totally disregard him and certainly do not thank him for the numerous benefits they already have received.

Some, although grudgingly acknowledging that there must be a Creator, make little effort to learn more about him or his will. Others, numbering into the millions, even deny that there is a Creator, claiming that all things just came into existence by themselves.

What shocking ingratitude! Such lack of appreciation is one of many indications that we are in “the last days.” (2 Timothy 3:1-5)

///Ignoring problems will never solve them refusing to recognize a problem increases the possibility of you becoming its victims.///

Are we finally getting through to you goodlife, are you finally beginning to see the major threat to our society that is building.

(No, silly me of course you're not)
Goodlife, you haven't answered my question, but no surprise there.

//...although grudgingly acknowledging that there must be a Creator, make little effort to learn more about him or his will. //

If a creator exists, you have no idea what it is. Don't kid yourself.
-- answer removed --
// Such lack of appreciation is one of many indications that we are in “the last days.” (2 Timothy 3:1-5) //

If you beieve that we are in the last days GL
I am surprised you are wasting such time as is left to you posting here

arent there a whole host of things you shouldbe doing in anticipation of armageddon ?

^Not really. He's going to be saved.

LMAO at PiedPiper15 @ 16:29 ^^^
I am sure those to be saved
have to get n with the necessary actions and rituals beforehand

Bliss is one thing innit ?

i dont think the elect look up from their cornflakes and say O! it is the end of the world well I never

Have you read The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins?
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Is that your usual reply when Jehovah’s Witnesses call? . . . Have you ever really wondered why we keep calling

Sometimes, even when we put forth an earnest effort to express loving-kindness to you, we meet with an unappreciative response. But we realize that there is someone who sees and appreciates what we do, and that is are a poor show.
Thought not
Goodlife, //you are a poor show. //

Charming! Is that an expression of this loving kindness you're so proud of?
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Sadly, the trend of science as practiced by some today seems to undermine morality, values, and standards. Biologist Richard Dawkins, who rejects the idea of God,

Said in a universe of blind physical forces and genetic replication, some people are going to get hurt, other people are going to get lucky, and you won’t find any rhyme or reason in it, nor any justice. Do you find that a rather grim view of the world? Don’t you think that human society needs a moral code that rewards good behavior and punishes wrongdoing.
Goodlife, //Don’t you think that human society needs a moral code that rewards good behavior and punishes wrongdoing. //

I would have thought good behaviour is to be expected in any civilised society. Most people behave reasonably. Why reward it?

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