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Stitching With A Large Piece Of Fabric

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xstitcher | 06:34 Thu 23rd Jun 2016 | Hobbies & Interests
10 Answers
Hello To any embroiderer out there. I'm cross stitching a Retro Christmas table runner at the moment which means a lot of white fabric.
My question is, does anybody have a good idea of how to keep the fabric not being used neat and out of the way? I've just pinned it into a light plastic bag but there must be some better ways.

I'm looking forward to your ideas.


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I fold the loose fabric as much as possible and use a large bulldog type clip to hold it in place.
08:17 Thu 23rd Jun 2016
When i did lots of cross stitching i just used to leave the fabric loose and sort of scrumple it up in my left hand to get to the bit I was stitching on. When I was all done I would wash the whole thing and block it square again. The bigger bits used to end up quite screwed up and grubby but came out beautifully when washed....use something like stergene and luke warm water, don’t scrub or wring
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Thanks Woofgang. I'm using a hoop and with the amount of thick linen my hands aren't big enough for that, but I thank you for your interest.
Hi xstitcher ....embroiderers in the past used to tack tissue paper over the areas not being worked on to keep work clean, but today with all the gentle wash products there's not quite the same concern ...also it can finish up in tatters a bit, particularly if the cat plays with it.

I think you'll be fine with the plastic then a gentle wash afterwards :))
Ah good morning Xsista...sounds huge...i have to say no easy task ...sos.. is rolling the fabic into a length of plastic of any help...?
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That sounds good dubird. It's not the washing that's a problem but I might as well keep it as clean as I can. I'll try the rolling. Thank you
I fold the loose fabric as much as possible and use a large bulldog type clip to hold it in place.
Have you tried something like this? You can roll the bits your not working on out of the way.
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Thanks ratty, I have tried one..More trouble than the trouble I have now.
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Going to give it a try with the plastics money. Will let you know tomorrow how it works but it sounds like it will.
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PROBLEM SOLVED thanks to your imput that got me thinking. When at the supermarket I came upon a quite solid empty cardboard roll that had been for plastic bags in the veg dept which they let me have.
I left the fabric in the plastic bag, rolled it up and taped it...easy peasy and neat.

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