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Do You Think That Terrorists Can Be

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emmie | 10:25 Wed 04th Dec 2019 | News
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rehabilitated, those say who languish in our prisons.


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Have terrorists like the IRA been 'rehabilitated' or have they just accepted the situation while continuiong their 'struggle' in less overt ways? People like Adams and the late not-lamented McGuiness will always be regarded as terrorists by me, as my mother used to say You can't polish a turd. A lot of this debate about releasing terrorists is about playing...
12:24 Wed 04th Dec 2019
"TD we don't have the death penalty, and haven't for many years, so one could say these days give them life in prison no parole instead."

What a waste of money and space. Keep prison for those who are able to be rehabilitated and lawfully put an end to those who don't deserve tax money to be spent on them after they tried to murder, blow up or terrorise the tax payer.

Do you think the victims of terrorist attacks want to be paying them to sit cushty in a cell for the rest of their life rent free with the majority of prison perks? Hell nahhh.
naomi - // /The very need to carry imagined religious doctrine ...//

It's not imagined. //

I think I was not clear - I believe it is the twisted interpretation of religious doctrine that indicates mental instability - not the doctrine itself.

The bible advises Christians that, if their right eye offends them, they should pluck it out - but only someone with severe mental issues would actually interpret that literally, and carry it out.
Of course they can: watch the recent series on N Ireland and the secret history of the troubles.
Lots of republican and loyalist paramilitaries oh there. Most I think you would say are now reformed. It surely depends on the person and on the conflict. For example, the conflict in Ireland has largely been resolved. What persists is largely a result of the “unreconstructed” ones.
TheDevil - // What a waste of money and space. Keep prison for those who are able to be rehabilitated and lawfully put an end to those who don't deserve tax money to be spent on them after they tried to murder, blow up or terrorise the tax payer.

Do you think the victims of terrorist attacks want to be paying them to sit cushty in a cell for the rest of their life rent free with the majority of prison perks? Hell nahhh. //

The notion that punishment at the tax payers' expense is not a proper and suitable allocation of funds is a common one, but one with which I disagree.

It is not the mark of a civilised society, that it exterminates its criminals on the basis of the financial cost of imprisoning them - the financial cost is what we agree to bear in order to be a civilised society.

A civilised society does not balance its books by killing people.
There was recently a terrorist attack by a terrorist who was released from prison. If we just killed this person, he wouldn't have went on to kill two people himself. Two innocent people. He also harmed a load of others.

Why does this cretin deserve any sympathy, rehabilitation or even and kind of human rights? They don't, they took away from others why do they deserve what they can't even give others?

It's a NO from me.
AH, //I believe it is the twisted interpretation of religious doctrine//

It isn't.

//not the doctrine itself. //

It is.

It's accepted that the bible was written by men and therefore it is also accepted that it is open to interpretation. The Koran, on the other hand, is allegedly the direct word of Allah and that is immutable. The two cannot be compared.
I think there is an assumption on this thread that every terrorist becomes a terrorist for the same reason(s) There is a condition called "folie a deux" where one person with a strong character "infects" other people with their own beliefs. Of course there are also people with psychpathic personality disorders who pretend to espouse a belief set and manupulate others. Then also there are genuine believers for whatever reason. While I am in no way victim blaming, it would be helpful I think to understand what it is in some people's lives that make them vulnerable to radicalisation.
"It is not the mark of a civilised society, that it exterminates its criminals on the basis of the financial cost of imprisoning them - the financial cost is what we agree to bear in order to be a civilised society.

A civilised society does not balance its books by killing people."

It's not a case of "exterminating" criminals, it's a case of exterminating those who want to exterminate innocent public.

Simple in my opinion. Kill one or allow that one to potentially kill hundreds.
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so who thinks they can be rehabilitated, one does.

personally i find the whole Irish question abominable.
There are terror suspects and known terrorists walking the streets have got off scot free, how is that right.
Just because of the Good Friday agreement.
I absolutely agree with TheDevil. We really must bring back the death penalty for certain crimes carried out in this country, terrorism being one of them. I would definitely vote for that.
naomi - // It's accepted that the bible was written by men and therefore it is also accepted that it is open to interpretation. The Koran, on the other hand, is allegedly the direct word of Allah and that is immutable. The two cannot be compared. //

That argument is simply semantics.

The notion that the Koran is the direct word of Allah has no more basis in fact that anything in the bible, and to simply excuse literal interpretation by mentally ill people on the basis of the perception that they get a swerve because their holy book is 'direct' and not 'interpretation' is simply serious movement of argumental goalposts.
emmie - // so who thinks they can be rehabilitated, one does. //

I think the notion of rehabilitation in any case is laudable, but I also think that in the case of Jihadists, the chances are seriously reduced, and more importantly, the risks involved in proving that rehabilitation is successful, i.e. release back into society, is simply too great to be justified - as has been evidenced by recent events.

For people to die in order to demonstrate that rehabilitation has failed is a concept that cannot be countenanced.

Those terrorists who believe they are living and breathing the will of Allah will see themselves as martyrs on earth, happy to remain incarcerated until they die of old age, and those that are genuinely mentally ill are sectioned along with any other psychopath representing a clear and present danger to the public.
You might want to test your theory out on a wild-eyed, bearded follower of da prophet Mr Hughes, see how far it gets you.
There is one terrorist walking the streets of N Ireland almost certainly because he was protected by the authorities because of his connection to army undercover agents.
Terrrorist crimes in N Ireland are still investigated and people are still tried and convicted regardless of the Good Friday agreement. I don’t know what the figures are for reoffending by those who were subject to early release but they are minimal.
Figures also cannot be arrived at for the number of innocent people walking the streets today who might otherwise have been murdered without the GFA.
Anyway the question was can terrorists reform or be rehabilitated and plainly many can.
AH, //The notion that the Koran is the direct word of Allah has no more basis in fact that anything in the bible//

You know that, and I know that. However, we are not Muslims. For them even touching a copy of the Koran without having first washed your hands is a sin... it just cannot be done .... and don't even mention menstruating women!! Imagining that a rational western mindset applies universally is a huge mistake. It doesn't... by a long way.
I kind of agree with TD (much as it pains me) but it costs more to execute someone overall, than to keep them in prison for life, so it isn't about cost. It should more depend on who can be rehabilitated, which is never an exact science.
The Irish situation cannot be compared either. People need to understand that Islam is unique. It bears no comparison, in any way, to anything else on earth.
"For them even touching a copy of the Koran without having first washed your hands is a sin... "

And it is a sin to say the lords name in vein in Christianity, it is a sin to be gay, it's a sin to be greedy, lustful, it's a sin to have pride.

Do you think those less familiar with Christianity think that all Christians live by these rules?

As Naomi says... " we are not Muslims"

So maybe you should stop talking as if you know their mindset as well as your own.
" but it costs more to execute someone overall"

It really doesn't have to.

4 horses and four pieces of rope. HEEYAH!
All muslims are not the same either though- and they don't all take it seriously and literally. Putting one mindset onto an entire religion is also a mistake.

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