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Looks Like We Are Getting Ready For No Deal.....

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ToraToraTora | 19:22 Tue 18th Dec 2018 | News
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The best thing to do at this stage.


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"Our AB brexiteers want " no deal" don't they ?" I suspect, nearer the truth, is that they would prefer a fair, mutually beneficial deal; but the EU elite has no intention of agreeing one. I suspect most felt they were likely to try to make things difficult, but fewer thought that folk in such high power positions would be so obstinate and uncaring of the...
23:09 Tue 18th Dec 2018
Not quite Anne.

Our lot have been diabolical in allowing the EU to call the shots but it is the EUs fault as they didn’t want to play nicely.
"...meanwhile Little Britain, neglected by the very people who should be running it, slowly sinks lower into the economic mire."

Really? Take a look at the relative recent economic performance of the UK and that of most of the EU nations who seem to enjoy the benefits that their EU membership brings so much.
Cassa, the EU didn't need " to play nicely" Britain chose to leave. Brexiteers and the government are to blame, we will all have to live with the consequences, good or bad . Not looking too rosy at the moment.
//Brexiteers and the government are to blame//

Brexiteers aren't to blame. They wanted 'Out'. The government and the Remainers wanted deals - hence all the faffing about.
This is just a way of trying to scare MP’s into voting for Mrs. May’s appalling ‘deal.’

They have said that 3,500 troops will be put on standby, so now I’m waiting for the poo-your-pants scary public information films to go out. Somewhere along the lines of this one:

Yes we are going to need those 3500 troops to fill in the gaps.
If there are a shortage of actors, stick a couple of squaddies on the stage. They can also make up any shortage of window dressers, drive the ice cream vans, and get into the operating theatres and do a few operations with their bayonets.
If they can write, they could issue prescriptions, and pull teeth.
This is limited only by our imagination.
If you need troops in your business or community, contact the Brexit Office.
Any requests? List them here.
Minister of Defence (what would he know?) has indeed put 3,500 troops on standby under a plan named 'Operation Yellowhammer', according to the FT.

Govt has also announced that it is going to be rationing ferry space to allow essential supplies to keep reaching Britain.

You'll recall, of course, that not too long ago the very prospect that the govt might consider all this was 'never going to happen' 'project fear', a 'Brexit scare story' etc. etc.

Just because the UK voted to leave doesn’t mean the EU shouldn’t play nicely.

As much as remainextremists would like you to believe the EU doesn’t need the UK that isn’t totally true.

Well, well, well. The government has 3,500 troops on standby in case of no Brexit.

Brexiteers would have nothing to get all hot and bothered over would they so the troops would be to keep all those remainextremists from crying into their caffe lattes then would it?

Excellent post by OG @ 22:09 and one I can only concur with.
"Troops" are always on stand by, that's what H.M. Forces are for!
Khandro //Troops" are always on stand by//
Not exactly true,troops on standby are taken away form other duties and are not allowed leave.They are on standby to deal with a particular situation.
Planning something just in case, is different from enacting it.

I read that some business groups are now complaining that companies actually need to spend in order to thrive in changing circumstances. Who'd have thought that would be necessary ? And that hundreds of thousands of incompetant businesses have yet to start putting plans together, and cannot be expected to be ready in such a short space of time (presumably they mean the 730 days notice they had). But that's the way of business. The poorly run ones get into trouble and those with someone sensible at the helm tend to take over.
"but fewer thought that folk in such high power positions would be so obstinate and uncaring"

LOL and we let them vote!?
I don't think many of the EU elite are voted for by the masses, and we have no control over the elite's voting rights.
Danny; When troops are on stand by, where are they standing by, and what are they doing?
Together in barracks and what they are doing would depend on the officer in charge.
In other words, situation more or less normal. Isn't it really an administrative term relating more to equipment and vehicles with leave cancelled, and nothing as dramatic as the politicians make it sound?
What I'm saying is, if soldiers aren't on stand by, what the hell are they doing?
Khandro Training

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