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Smallest Fords, Vauxhalls Hold Value Better

16:36 Mon 24th May 2010 |

Potential buyers of new and used Fords and Vauxhalls are being warned of an unusual quirk in their resale values.

Auto market analyst EurotaxGlass's says that it has found the latest models of the Focus and Astra are deprecating at a far slower rate than their bigger brothers, the Mondeo and Vectra.

When considering models with comparable age, specification and mileage, the two smaller models have used prices up to £1,500 higher.

EurotaxGlass's says that this has occurred because while the generation and equivalent technology is the same, the Focus and Astra have been launched more recently and too few have hit the used market yet to satisfy demand.

"As availability steadily improves, we can expect to see values for the Focus and Astra fall back," commented the managing editor at EurotaxGlass's.

"The honeymoon for the latest Astra may be nearing its end, with the used retail price premium over the Vectra having fallen consistently during the past 12 months."

This may not be much comfort for current Mondeo and Vectra owners looking to upgrade, who have discovered deprecation is not a loss covered by motor insurance.

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