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Where is the world's top water-only bar

01:00 Mon 30th Jul 2001 |

A.� A new basement water bar in Paris at Colette, a 'styledesignsartfood' concept store, stocks more than 100 brands of water and is establishing a reputation as the top watering hole. Customers are presented with a water list as comprehensive as any wine list they will encounter in the finest restaurants. The choice is not just still or fizzy; customers have to choose� between the purest supply, most beautiful bottle or highest mineral content.

Q.� Which brands are on sale

A.� There is everything from homegrown French brands such as Perrier, Evian and Volvic, to Yma, the Llandovery-based Ty Nant in its striking red and blue bottles; to Voss, an artesian water from Norway produced in a cylindrical bottle produced with a sans-serif logo. The bar stocks Sole from Lombardy, said to date back to Roman times, Ramlosa, said to be of Swedish royal descent, Pierre Cardin's Maxim's and Fionnar from the Scottish Highlands. French and UK water is widely stocked, but there are also varieties from Japan, Martinique, South Africa, Canadian glacier water and Cloud Juice '7,800 drops of purest rainwater, collected in Tasmania'.

The bar, which attracts many Parisian fashion workers, also sells Acqua della Madonna, which comes in a droplet-shaped blue glass bottle, Ass Kickin' H20, described as 'revered osmosis water'; Orezza, sparkling water from Corsica; and flavoured waters. One of the most expensive drinks on sale is Vijay, Japanese still water in a plastic hip flask, which costs nearly �4 per bottle.

Q.� What does mineral water contain

A.� One of the main ingredients in a mineral water label is sodium. It occurs naturally and abundantly in most foods and most people don't require any additional sources. Mineral water tends to contain large amounts of sodium, and ironically the saltier the water, the more you will consume. The French brand Bardoit, for example, contains 150mg of sodium per litre, compared with tap water which contains 17mg per litre.

Mineral� water also contains calcium. This important mineral helps keep teeth healthy and fight osteoporosis. Brands such as Volvic and Spa tend to contain very little amounts of calcium, and the best source is said to be tap water.

Magnesium can be found in mineral water, and too little of this mineral can leads to nausea and cause heartbeat irregularities. Experts say the amount of magnesium found in mineral water will have little effect on people's intake.

Bicarbonate can also be found in small quantities. These are negatively charged ions that help regulate the acidity levels in the body. There is no daily recommended intake.

Mineral water also contains heavy metals. Small traces such as aluminium, silver, cadmium and mercury are permitted.

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By Katharine MacColl

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