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What's the hottest chilli

A. The hottest chilli known to man is the habanero. It hails from Mexico and must be handled with extreme caution. Users must wear gloves when handling it and most packets of habanero chillies carry01:00 Mon 07th May 2001

How do you make a great BBQ

A. The secret to a great BBQ is making sure the meat is properly cooked, the charcoal is hot enough and following some simple hygiene precautions to ensure everyone's safety. A warm sunny day01:00 Sat 07th Apr 2001

Where does punch come from

A. The basis for most punches is rum. Rum's hidden history starts 10,000 years ago when the sugar cane plant began its migration from its home in the East Indies into China and India. As the plant01:00 Fri 27th Apr 2001

How do you make perfect mashed potatoes

A. Use good quality potatoes such as Desiree or King Edward. Cut the potato into even-sized chunks so they all cook evenly. Add salt and put the lid on the pan until they're really tender. If they01:00 Thu 26th Apr 2001

What are carbohydrates

A. Carbohydrates are important because they give you energy. There are two main types of carbohydrates. The main sources of carbohydrates include starchy foods such as cereals, pulses, potatoes, and01:00 Wed 25th Apr 2001

What foods are in season now

A. Along with cabbages and root vegetables still on the shelves, there's an abundance of rhubarb and beetroot. Q. What can you do with beetroot A. Beetroot is one of those ingredients that you01:00 Mon 23rd Apr 2001

Do wines improve with age

A. The days of wine makers producing wines for long cellaring are almost over. More sources and new technology mean that wines tend to be fruity and drinkable soon after they are bottled. Wine01:00 Wed 18th Apr 2001

How would immunisation of animals for Foot and Mouth affect our food

A. It would affect the movement of cattle, sheep and pigs from farms to factories or abattoirs and the double pasteurisation of milk. The implications are not just for farmers, but for food01:00 Tue 17th Apr 2001

Why do you decant some wines and not others

A. Most wines do not require decanting, but it's usually done for one of the following reasons: to separate clear wine from the sediment, in the case of rare wines (vintage port, older Bordeaux) that01:00 Thu 12th Apr 2001

What is beef carpaccio

A. It's a dish of thin slices of raw beef, usually in a marinade of olive oil or lemon. It is often accompanied by a salad and dotted with flakes of parmesan cheese. Q. Where was the dish01:00 Thu 12th Apr 2001

What is halal meat

asks Dooza:A. Halal means 'lawful' or 'permitted' and Muslims are permitted to consume only Halal foods and drinks. Q. Can you give some examples of Halal foods and drinks A. Certainly. There's milk01:00 Mon 16th Apr 2001

What is the origin of Easter Eggs

asks Mayastar:A. Like many customs associated with this Christian celebration, Eater eggs have their roots in pagan traditions. (The word Easter comes from the Saxon goddess of dawn, Eostre, who had a01:00 Mon 09th Apr 2001

How to cook polenta

asks jayne b-t:A. Polenta, also known as cornmeal or maize meal, is a bright yellow grain. We've only been using it in this country for about ten years, but it's a staple in Italy and the Americas. In01:00 Mon 09th Apr 2001

What does kangaroo meat taste like

A. It tastes very similar to beef and is also often compared to venison, it is high in iron and protein and it contains much less fat - less than 2% -than most other red meats. Q. Is it readily01:00 Mon 02nd Apr 2001

I know nothing about wine, except that I like it, give me the basics

A. There are three types: red, white and sparkling. There are other types called blush and rose, but they are not taken as seriously by wine conoisseurs. Q. What do you drink red with A. Red01:00 Wed 28th Mar 2001

What is so special about eggs

A. A hen's egg is a masterpiece of design with brilliant packaging. It is extremely nutritious, filled with protein, vitamins and minerals. The amount of air inside the egg is what the cook needs to01:00 Tue 27th Mar 2001

Where was bread invented

A. Bread is one of the oldest foods known to man and has been a staple food for over 5,000 years. It even has the biblical name of The Staff of Life. Some 8,000 years ago man made flour by crushing01:00 Tue 27th Mar 2001

What are scallions

asks bogof A. Scallions are also known as green or spring onions. The bottom is white and the long leaves are green and both parts can be eaten. Scallions are eaten both raw and cooked. They are01:00 Tue 20th Mar 2001

Where does Saffron come from

asks HOMER A. Saffron comes from the crocus flower. Crocus Sativus is grown for this spice used to colour and flavour dishes. Q. How do we get the spice A. The long crimson stigmas ( the female01:00 Tue 20th Mar 2001

When were herbs first used in cooking

A. Herbs have been used for thousands of years, as much for preserving foods or disguising unpleasant smells, as for adding flavour. Q. What do herbs add to cooking A. Herbs add flavour and aroma01:00 Mon 19th Mar 2001

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