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Do birds only sing in spring and summer

01:00 Mon 01st Apr 2002 |

A. Although bird song is mainly heard in spring and summer birds actually sing all year round. They use a range of specific notes and calls as a means of contacting other birds, giving a warning and looking after their chicks.

Q. When do birds start singing

A. Some birds start in the egg, as a means of communicating with their parents.

Q. How individual are bird's songs

A. Bird song might sound relatively amorphous to us but that's just because our ears aren't finely tuned. Birds themselves can differentiate one individual from the next by their song.

Q. Do females sing as much as males

A. As singing is the principal method for attracting a mate for many species, often the males do most of it. But the males aren't just trying to impress the females, they're also warning other males that they're around, using song to mark territory.

Q. Why do birds sing mainly at dawn

A. Dawn is an excellent time for a chorus for several reasons. Because the air is usually still at this time, the conditions are perfect for getting your song heard as far away as possible. Also birds are much more likely to have a captive audience at this time: the early morning chill means that there aren't many insects about and so birds won't be too busy foraging for food to listen.

Q. How do birds make sound

A. Although birds have a larynx like us, they produce sound using their syrinx.

The syrinx is made up of two chambers attached to the windpipe. Sound is produced through either chamber and by mixing sound through both birds can make some pretty amazing noises.

Q. How can birds sing for long, don't they need to take a breath

A. Yes, they do, but it doesn't interfere with their singing. Their mouths are used mainly for breathing rather than having any role in singing. This explains why some birds can be seen singing away with their beaks shut.

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by Lisa Cardy

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