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Making Changes To Your Driving For 2012

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AB Editor | 11:34 Wed 01st Feb 2012 | Motoring
15 Answers

This poll is closed.

  • To drive less and walk/cycle more - 43 votes
  • 27%
  • To drive more economically - 35 votes
  • 22%
  • To pay less for car insurance - 31 votes
  • 20%
  • To avoid getting angry at other drivers - 17 votes
  • 11%
  • To buy a new car - 16 votes
  • 10%
  • To avoid speeding - 15 votes
  • 10%

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Stats until: 23:24 Fri 20th Sep 2024 (Refreshed every 5 minutes)


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To change nothing.
Question Author
(Stats Refreshed every 5 minutes)
Get a monster Range Rover.
Where is the None option?
i tired not speeding yest. i did really well on the way to hull but got peed off and bored on the way home
Bloody hell, that was a fair old drive, Fluffster.
okay ed, just a side note, the advert banner for "be wiser" insurance is blocking the "refresh" button on the latest posts bar.

it could be just me seeing this but I have to leave motoring to click "refresh"
I already do all of those, except the last one. So, nothing new for me there.

My middle names 'goody, goody two shoes' lol ☺
not that bad 2.5 each way, although i had to stop to go to the loo loads on the way back, does heated seats do that to anyone else?
cazzz, banner blocking here as well
Watch out for speed cameras. Just got a NIP for doing 37 mph in a 30 area.
Question Author
Banner fixed! (These ads are better than the usual jumble aren't they?)

Re "Where is the None option?" - if you're not making any changes... why would you want to vote? This poll isn't for people not making changes :)
How about a tick box "none?"
Or none of the above.

I could be like NoM and buying a Chelsea Tractor.
You missed the most important 1!

How about taking the ROSPA or IAM advanced tests to become a better safer driver?

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Making Changes To Your Driving For 2012

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