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Rondy | 11:38 Thu 02nd May 2024 | Jokes
5 Answers

Put all my dogging gear up for sale on eBay.Haven’t had any bids yet, but there are 12 people watching.

I've just noticed that People that have the most birthdays tend to live the longest.

They’re making redundancies at the meat factory I work at. It looks like I’m for the chop.

Does anyone know how long you cook these boil-in-the-bag fish you win at the Funfair?

I’m close friends with 25 letters of the alphabet...

I don’t know 'y'.

It takes the human body 24 hours to turn food into crap.

McDonald’s do it in 10 minutes.

I've just checked my home insurance policy, and apparently if my duvet is stolen in the middle of the night, l'm not covered.

My mate said to me 'You've put a lot of weight on'

I said 'I've had a lot on my plate recently.



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Love 'em! 😆 

Excellent, especially the fish one LOL

Very good Rondy.🤣

Thanks Rondy - your jokes brighten my day. So much doom and gloom on this site these days.

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