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Do You Like Christmas Pudding?

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AB Editor | 10:32 Wed 15th Dec 2021 | Christmas
33 Answers

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  • Yes - 138 votes
  • 59%
  • No - 53 votes
  • 23%
  • I like Gin - 25 votes
  • 11%
  • I don't celebrate Christmas but I do like Christmas Pudding - 9 votes
  • 4%
  • I don't celebrate Christmas and I don't like Christmas Pudding - 9 votes
  • 4%

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Yum yum! Can't be doing with gin though.
Damn the Ed for putting in the gin option :(

Merry Christmas, Ed ;)

Today I got brandy butter with cognac in Waitrose, but I won't say how many tubs I bought...
A little bit as a family tradition but a tad stodgy for me, usually too bloated by then anyway... but sweet mother of lord keep Gin away from me. Brandy is smooth.
But I would eat in in preference to Christmas cake.

i like stollen though.
I like it but prefer it with brandy sauce than custard.
No I don't
What a stupid, loaded question !
//What a stupid, loaded question !//

Have you been visited by the first ghost yet Ebenezer?
I'd like panettone instead...much lighter.
Agree with that, pasta. I find Christmas pud to heavy.
Dash of gravy would lighten it up for you, Tony... ;-)
Ahhhhhggg, definitely no Christmas pud ( forever ) now.
I have a tiny portion with extra thick cream - Cointreau cream is perfect.

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Do You Like Christmas Pudding?

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