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5d Keep your eyes peeled say (7) O-S---E This looks like OBSERVE but I can't see how this links with the clue - apart from to observe is to see! Many thanks...
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1a Charlie's new salary reduced pressure over work (10) I-C------- This looks like NINCOMPOOP (Charlie), and N INCOM looks like New salary (INCOM(E)) reduced, plus PO = Pressure Over......... but OP...
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9a Exist, drinking water, finally alive (9) --E---I-G This looks like BREATHING, but I can't parse it completely. Many thanks...
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19a I'm told one might long for a port (4) -C-E This must be ACRE - but I can't parse it. ... Many thanks...
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20a great band on the radio? (6) A-R-N- This looks like AIRING.... RING = band, but AI = Great? I can't see this. Many thanks...
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4d second time to stuff cushion, usually (4,5) M--- --T-N This looks like MOTH EATEN, but I can't parse it at all! Many thanks...
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3d. Well, just pay for it (6,9) H----- I-----N-- This looks like HEALTH INSURANCE, but I can't parse it all - unless it's... if you are well, you just pay for it, and not use it until you're ill? Many...
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22a waits on others as becomes a man (6) --R-E- I've seen this as SERVES, and apart from waits on others, I can't parse the clue. Many thanks...
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24a Announced cover charge for water (7) H---A-- This looks like HYDRATE but I can't parse the complete clue. Many thanks...
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10a mouthy old dons judge addressed in court (4) L-U- This must be LOUD (mouthy) and judge could be 'led', but I can't parse the whole clue Many thanks...
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1d top US sporting figure (6,3) ------ C-P Help please! Many thanks...
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13a grass arresting officers abroad grilled again? (8) R-H----- This looks like REHEATED, but I can't parse it completely. Many thanks...
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6d Beginnings of love ought to stop grim poet's misery (6) -O-O-R This must be DOLOUR (DOUR + OL)? but why poet? Many thanks...
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8a on notice to adopt wild animals (6) A-O-R- This looks like ABOARD (='on') and A BOARD is a notice, but wild animals? Many thanks...
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11 d Frank trailing in last part of the race (4,8) ---- S----G-T This must be HOME STRAIGHT, but I can't parse it completely. Frank?? Many thanks...
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16a standard heroes posses grit alongside guts (5,3,7) S---- --D ------ This must ba STARS AND STRIPES , but I can't parse the whole clue. Many thanks...
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6d Not necessarily correct (14) O-E-C-M---S--- This has to be OVERCOMPENSATE, but I can't parse it at all! Many thanks...
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19d Indian greeting celebrity holding short drink (7) N-------- This must be NAMASTE (Indian greeting) but I can't parse the rest of the clue. Many thanks...

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