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Letter A's >> 15 Letter I"s >> 16 Anyone agree?...
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Morning all....I have 11 I's in the M.O.S. prize crossword today.....Any-one agree please? Thanks in advance.
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I get 16....J/Boy
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I get 10....TIA
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AB Editor
Recently it has come to our attention that some members are regularly asking for spare Mail Rewards Club numbers. While the terms and conditions from the Daily Mail say that purchase is required, we also don't like to see anything go to waste. So we're asking members of The AnswerBank:
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Quiz in aid of The Alan Shearer Foundation. Entry fee £2 per sheet with sae . 100 questions. Cash prize awarded to the three people with the most correct answers. Available from Jack Welbourn, 4,...
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Quiz in aid of The Alan Shearer Foundation. Entry fee £2. per sheet with sae. 100 questions. Cash prize awarded to the three people with the most correct answers. Closing date 1st December, 2017....
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Struggling with these final few. Any help would be greatly appreciated. 4 Head teacher, take it away. 16 Anagream citypal, slang for cash. 48 Several colours, --, in the fall 53 Certainly not, speaks,...
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71 one of president francoisse mitterands nicknames(6) 72 take care sorting out this area (4) 74 what links a town in Lincolnshire and a alloy of copper and zinc(9) 77past presidents have included...
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Stuck on Question 12 If Field equals 47 and King equals 49, what does Globe equal? Many thanks if you can assist...
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Can anyone give me the answers to nos 4, 7, 14 and18? I have the others and am happy to share them.
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Q 32. Andrew lost his tail and gained a breed of horse . This answer has 10 letters, and is the name or former name of a British shire or county. Any help would be very much appreciated.
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Q 34 Still to be introduced (6,3,3,3) Any help would be much appreciated.
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Can anyone help me with the answers and the page references to the following questions in the Whitacker's Almanac quiz 2013? Nos 14, 15 and 20. Many thanks.
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Can anyone help me with the following Ditloids,:- 90210=BHZC 1085=H of S in M 1759= BY of RB 12=AN for M on PT 650=S in P 87=I was in the SDB 2211=CEBN in DH 3=GNW for RR 15=YM is a CWA 32=VC on the...
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Received from the Deputy Editor:- "My name is Nathan Joyce and I’m the Deputy Editor of Whitaker’s Almanack. In case you have already purchased (or intend to purchase) our 2013...
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100 advertising slogans and the things they advertise, for you to solve. Cut off date 25th November Please send donation and SAE to Diane 3 Lark Rise Hardwick Cambridge.CB23 7XZ. Mark your application...
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I still have had no success with no.7: can anyone provide a clue please "What links cook, stone, leafe and gates ? "...
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Any hints on these 3 questions please ? 7 What links cook, stone, leafe and gates ? 8 Complete the sequence: 1086, 323, 1164 10 What occurred for the 24th time on 1 January 2009 ?...
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any help greatfully recieved thank you in advance 1, in 1950 the polio eperdemict closed this village (5) 2 famous for its horse trails (6) 3, not stoney grounds (10) 4, see the hood here every...

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