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What mythical creature means a swiss banker?
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Please will someone tell me where all the socks go after washing, I'm left with a pile of odd socks, perfectly decent odd socks but with no partner so they are useless! is there somewhere they all...
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I am saving up for a little black toy poodle and would like to call him by a short cute French name, Thanx.
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'ere, oi needs a favour but oi don't want abigail to foind out. Oi needs to know 'ow to get one o' those red love 'arts in me postings so's oi cn send 'er one. Oi suppose its some kind o' HTML, but oi...
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I thought it would be fun to see if we could have a go and get 100 replies to a question on the site and this is probably the best category to try it in.....Just say hello or anything you want and let...
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What is the exact definition of a pull? Basically, a mate of mine kissed another bloke (lots of alcohol had been consumed, I hasten to add) and denies it constituted a 'pull' as there were no tongues....
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If I were to set off now how far is it to London?
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What was bushs iq was it 96 or 86 and can anyone give me some interesting facts on it? thanks emma
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Do I have to use a cast iron pan to flambe? can I use a stainless steel one?
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I sometimes wonder how people choose there user names.I started to bank on-line and my choices of user name had been taken. I ended up with robber1 because robber was taken. I now use robber1 in two...
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Am I the only person on this planet that prefers original wooden window frames. Nearly everyone in our road have had UPVC replacement windows installed, but I love my 1936 original ones (albeit a bit...
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Derren Brown has started looking for people to participate in his live stunt coming up in the autumn where he will paly Russian Roulette with a loaded gun. Im of the opinion that hes a fantastic...
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How many People use the Internet
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What, given the chance, could you eat a whole packet/box/bag of in one go? For me, it would have to be a large box of After Eight mints! They're just so moreish!
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When the BBC show clips of what's on later that night, why do they always start with the first programme after Eastenders and never show a clip of Eastenders itself (regardless of what night and time...
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When you are feeling a bit fed up, what do you think of to put a smile on your face - apart from the obvious? (This has probably been asked a million times but I can't access 'search' at the moment.)
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Recently there seem to be many people upset with the way Answerbank has become less of a resource and more of a forum. Well I just wanted to say that I use AB for both, equally, and I always (A) get...
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Is it Whinberry or Winberry? As it's not in the dictionary - can it be either?
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Seriously, it's not on. Stop it.

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