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steve @ home

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steve @ home
What was the music playing last night in Casualty when Ruth was in the shower? Piano and violin
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Does anyone know where I can apply to get a music grant for my 9 year old son? He's learning to play the tuba.
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i have an idea in my head for a childrens book along the lines of thomas the tank engine, budgie the helipcopter etc. i would need to get illustrations done as i can't draw to save my life. how do i...
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steve @ home
I'm going to my first Crufts next month at the NEC. the only information I can't find is... can I take my dog to the show? Not as an entry, of course, but as a visitor. Anyone been to Crufts before?...
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steve @ home
Who played the organ part on 'Won't get fooled again' by The Who (1971)? It's such an iconic piece of music. For you younger members, it's now the theme tune to CSI!
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Does anyone out there have a ghost in their house?
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are the police playing a gig in london this year? if so how much are the tickets and where are they playing
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did icarus have a name for his shoes
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Hi there, I was wondering whether anyone could tell me what the meaning is behind the title 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows'? What is a hallow - is it anything to do with saints?
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steve @ home
AT the beginning of Yessongs, which recording of 'The Firebird' do the band come on to?
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In Bowie's Life on Mars there's the line "...Lennons on sale again..." Anybody any idea what this means? Was he referrring to John Lennon? And if so, in what context? (selling out possibly?).
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is shakira sexy or what!!!!!!!!!!!
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What was Napoleon,s christian name. many thanks
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For me there are various but most recently I almost combusted while watching cartoonish shock-violence flick Battle Royale. I fell in lust with the woman in the instructional video. Apart from being...
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[url] 7160539051614&q=mexico%2Bufo[/url]
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steve @ home
I'm trying to find out about a battle he was in called Louden Hill against the English. Does anyone know a good resource that might help?
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I am so disheartened by the politicians in this country. The most depressing thing is that the opposition and all other parties do not inspire me either, or are too small to have an impact. I am...
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i have been a nurse for 6 years now and i am soooo fed up ..i really want a new career and find myself extremely miserable..i am upset i feel this way because i wanted to be a nurse very much and...
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I mean, shouldn't stuff like this be banned ! Bloodnok: It's a copper. Spriggs: I'm not a policeman! Bloodnok: I beg your pardon, madam. Spriggs: I'm not a policewoman either! Bloodnok: I say, you're...
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Christian, Secular, Multi-Cultural, whatever. Is it time to drop the Christian ethic, the Archbishops, St.Paul's cathedral, the Queen, Christmas, Easter, all that stuff ? I watched "The Miracles of...

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