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Assuming 21a (False emotion from which actors recoiled in play) is crocodile tears, which I can't parse but then I can't work most of today's) then 17d (Rich? No travelling by British Airways) is...
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TV programme producer starts to tackle this one particular odour during intercourse -E-,--- -O- (3-3,3) Undefined number carried by rail, coming into a scheduled terminus ------O-D (9) Thanks. Can't...
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Another lousy prize Xword with undefined theme. Done it, but why is "a short way to to a new school turns up in old document" magna carta? I can see a trac(k) a n gam, but why is gam a school? 16 a,...
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Either Easy crossword solution (5) L---T Or Sport to sell that's backfired (4) --L- (Polo?) Tks...
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Latin America's revolutionary reserves behind Muslim nations (10) --L-A-A-A-E- Sultanates? If so why? Uplifing narrative about love , one using 24 down (blue) language (7) -R-O---- Party in...
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Another disappointing prize Xword. Some poor clues (2d, 22a for example). Still most done except for SW corner 13d Whistler constrained by impossible mother, leaving that place (9) Planet going around...
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Rather late to drop wingers -- one can shoot 1,6 -, (T?)--l-L- Post covered by Balotelli, ball's hoisted 6 B-L---. Help welcomed. Don't see how thieve parses for 19d...
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Hate these crosswords that require a limited specialist knowledge (e.g. Jane Austen characters.) As it happens I am an ISIHAC fan so started with an advantage but don't understand 14 a "A sign on six...
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Last two: 100% at the roast? (5,3) I think it is W(?)-O-E, -O- if 22d is Lows. Help welcome...

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