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I have been playing for years on my ipad without this.  Anyone know how to get rid of this please?
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Looks like Rhod or Rhodri somebody.
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I’ve checked my answers but it doesn’t say its correct....
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Have done today’s crossword but it says its incorrect. Cannot work out where its wrong. Are there any issues with it today?...
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Ive completed this week's crossword but it tells me it’s not right. I’ve checked it over and can’t find what is wrong....
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Is there an issue with this clue? I would have thought the answer was New Years Eve but it doesn't fit?
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Once again Ive completed the crossword but its not right. Cant think what ive got wrong. Any thoughts where there could be more than one answer. Onlyone i can think of is potent for strong etc....
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Is there an issue with today’s YOU crossword. Thought i’d got all the clues answered correctly but it says its not right. Thanks....
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Can anyone help with You Crossword 20Down - Ofswing please?
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I thought I’d got all the clues but it says its not correct. 19 Across ive got imposture which is the only one which seems less obvious. Anyone else having issues please....
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Im stuck on todays Weekend Arrow word. 9 letters - capable of sailing on open water - s—-a-i-l. Thanks....
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Hi, ive completed the crossword but its says it not right. Cant really see where its wrong. Only one may be clue carefree, laid-back which ive got - relaxed. Fir somewhat overweight, ive got - stout....
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Information or data on a specific subject collected methodologically over a long period. -e-o-d-. Thanks....
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Any help with 1D - sadder, more miserable 23A - archetype, prototype Many thanks....
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Ive completed the crossword but it says its not quite right! It was a problem last week with extra spaces. Now this week it says its not right even though ive checked it thoroughly. Only funny clue...

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