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32 Down: Cease to maintain control (4,4,4) ?O?E, ?N?S, ?E?D. Thanks in advance....
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10 Across:Prefaces (5,2,2) L?A?A,?P,?O
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There are five easter eggs hidden in the pages of Good Friday's Daily Mail. I have found three - on Pages 9, 45 and 86. I have looked and looked but can't find the other two. Has anyone else found all...
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There are five Easter Eggs hidden in the pages of Good Friday's Daily Mail - I have found three on Pages 9, 45 and 86 - I have looked and looked but can't find the other two. Has anyone found them...
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Saturday Times 2 Clues: 47 Across: Traditional airs (4,5) N?L?, SONGS Thanks in advance...
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4 Down: Cause to feel alarm (7) S???A?E 14 Across: Un til death(2,3,4)TO THE ???W Thanks in advance....
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This hard paper is no longer made. Does anyone out there know where I can still buy it please? The last lot I bought on ebay a couple of years ago in bulk. I looked on ebay today and there is just ONE...
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2 Down- Patronage (4) e?i?
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1 Across - Shoe stud (3) S??
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1 across.She stud (3) S??
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Please can anyone tell me where the FUEL FILTER is so I can replace it. Many thanks.
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I am finding dead frogs lying on the grass around the pond. Each year they come to mate in a shallow pond I get ready with fresh water. The frogs only mate in this pond, none live there. I have been...
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Not sure if this is a cryptic or Gen Know in times2clues. 34 Across: Unchanging in belief (4-2,3-4) D?E?I?,T?E?O?E Thankyou in advance....
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16 Down: Perform to the end (4,3) P?A?,O?T. Many thanks in advance....
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16D: Perform to the end (4,3) P?A? O?T. Many thanks in advance. Happy New Year to all you Crossworders. May there be no Cross Words in 2011....
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27 Across: In mathematics, the slope of a line or tangent at any ppoint on a curve with respect to the horizontal axis (8) I have Gradient, but it crosses with 35 Down which is Wort, can it be spelt...
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2 Down: Carry an animal (4): ?E?R 43 Down: When Santa arrives at this time (7-3) P?E?E?T-?C? 58 Down: Hard to leave whisked drink for Asian drink (4):S?U? 24 Across: Bribed father I remove (4,3)...
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I have done what others have done before me - thrown out the Saturday Link Words that match with today's Herculis words, which are COAT, WATER, COUNCIL and NAIL. Please could somone oblige with...
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14 Across: Science of the classification of animals (7): ?O?EAX? It looks like poleaxe, but can't be , surely. Thanks in advance.
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4 Down: Sherry lover (7)????O?O 5 Down: I posted another payment after this (7)????S?? 19 Down: Close space made by temporary substitute(7)S?????? 20 Down:Worst place to park during break for repairs...

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