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iv suffered from this for as long as i can remember mainly on my stomach. however, iv been to the doctor and had treatments given to me which dont work-its really starting to depress me, as i look...
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have they gone out of buisiness? Where (Cheshire) can I have a pivot window of similar quality fitted in a wall (not roof window)?
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My drive is laid with bricks, and I would like to know how to get a large oil stain out? Thanks.
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I live in a woody area so its v damp. This makes mildew grow in the shower - anyone got any tips on how to clean the shower and get rid of it as it look horrible!!
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Hi, I have just made the grim discovery of chewing gum in my beige jacket pocket after washing it and taking it out of the dryer! It was a peice of Extra which had a hard shell and has now (obviously)...
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how do i remove a small window
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Poly Fella
I had a door way filled in, the builder used timber and plasterboard which was plastered over and painted. The surroundond wall is brick. A crack where the door was keeps re-appearing dispite me...
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I dont know if this has been suggested before Ed but some type of a Room 101 on AB would be fun.
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Dose anyone know the difference between hit and run and road rage, or are they the same? and if there diffrent what one is the best. thanx
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Now, I don't mean to be rude, but?Have you every had a unique thought? I'm talking about a revelation, an understanding, an insight you think no one else has ever had before? Would you be willing to...
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Does anyone meditate regularly? If so, what do you find is an effective item or object to focus on?
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i know this is most definitely going to get the backs up of most of the men on here - but please be assured i am not having a go at all men! lets not get stuck into a gender war BUT.... why is that...
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Why do most people moan about labour and say they won't vote for them?  a lot of people moan about the war and Tony Blair and disagree with a lot of things he has done.  Yet, I bet labour...
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My company is in the process of buying a new office. The current users have a 'disabled' parking space. One of my staff says that a disabeld person can park in the space whether or not they are...
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where on the internet can i talk to like minded people about adult sex, without having to pay.many thanks.
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my best friend is depressed and wont tell me why so i cant help wat can i do?
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While driving this morning I came off a roundabout in the outside lane onto a dual carriageway, with slower cars on my inside so I stayed in the outside. By the time I was doing 60mph...

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