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36d - A place on the outskirts; in the past the edge of a royal forest 7letters P*R**** 42a - To stain something with blood (archaic) 6letters **B**E 44a - Having an obscure nature especially when...
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4down large bay south of the Lake District National Park *O*E*A*B* 24d Wild flower whose petals are arranged in a ray *A*S*
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10across One of norway;s greatest kings S-E-R-R 14across The gadfly genus T-B-N-S 29across The lowest possible throw at dice A-B- A-E
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35a - Crystalline substance used in psychedelic drugs that is found naturally in the ergo fungus. letters 8&4 L*E*R*I* A*I* 17a - A school of thought such as political theory that characterises a...
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8d - animal slain and eaten at passover letters 7&4 P****A* L*MB 9d - light aerial cable car 11 letters T****E*IUE 19d - like a spinning top 7letters ST**B*C
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Help please on 2 DOWN one of a pair of compounds used in insect control that occur naturally in the Chrysanthemum flower. a-l-t-r-n
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15across Retired title, especially for a professor (8 letters) E-E-I--- 19across Form of government whose head of state is usually a president (8 letters) ---U-L-C 17down Best known and most...
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36d - Long wooden implement used to propel a canal boat *A***P*L* 30d - Any large berry-like fruit with a tough rind, such as lemon or orange 11 letters *E*P**I*I*M 5a - Considerable wealth or...
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20a - A victory that is gained at a cost that makes it worthless to the winning side 6letters P*R*H*C Am assuming 21d is charge?
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12a A chair of sanctuary, placed near the altar in a church *R*T*S*O** 21a A fingernail-like opacity in the cornea of the eye O*Y* 9d An ornamental drinking vessel P*K**
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1across A person of great and varied learning 10 letters ----H-S-O- 9 down Guardian crossword compiler and riddler 10 letters E-I---T--- 31across Waxing 10 letters -N-R---E--
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32d - rearing bees for the commercial production of honey A*I*U*T*R* 16a - death was his retribution for lying, according to the New Testament, ACTS 5 *N*N*A*
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6a - Luo is this sort of language 7letters N***T** 1a - A limpet is this sort of Mollusc 9 letters G******** 18d - Terriers with long forlegs 9letters **K***A**
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Last Two Town that is the capital of Tarn department in the south of France 4letters ***i Understatement used in language for effect, such as "that smarts" meaning is extremely painful 7 letters...
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21a - Ancient egyptian city made capital by the 21sr-dynasty pharaohs 5letters **N** 12a - A 16th century three-halfpenny coin 9letters ****I*R*T 4d - Built of horizontal beams, not arches and vaults...
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1d Lines that join points of equal atmospheric pressure on weather charts ***EorB**S 2d Emblem that is on the obverse of the great seal of the US 6&5 ****** E*G*E
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1down - Damaging 7 letters-A-M-U- If i get this one I can watch Top Gear!
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7letters D*A*I*M 14a New world order of mammals 8letters ***N*A*A 22a Plant with colourful, star-shaped flowers 8letters *P*R*X*S
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6letters *A***T Pastry, heavily larded and sugared, filled with dried fruit letters 6&4 **C*E* C*K* last 2 can anyone help please?
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Who is the Stig on the Top Gear programme? having watched the repeat on monday night my wife thought it might be Damon Hill, I thought Nigel Mansell? Thoughts welcome

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