I'm 15 years of age .Legally you have to be 16 to take this course but can I improve my chances of becoming a pilot in any way in the meantime (written exams etc..........) Thanks
Last night when attempting to play multiplayer online for the first time I encountered a problem.I searched for a multiplayer session and having found one I clicked join .The arrow remained on join...
What would the equivalant of ?10 buy you in Kazakhstan ? Anyone ever been there ? Now I'm experiencing a strange desire to go to places like Russia,Kazakhstan,Palermo,Ukraine and Uzbekistan partly...
In UK from play.com this game costs ?72 (approx) in the U.S it costs ?55. What from an economical point of view can we say about this .Please no 'its more expensive's
When you multiply a 3 digit number by 7,by 11 and by 13 you get the number twice e.g. 489 x 7 x11 x13 = 489489. When you multiply a 5 digit no. by 11 and by 9091 you get the same as above e.g. 54698 x...
I was told that the price of Caesium is $37.5 per gram (roughly) but how come they're selling it for $375 for 5g roughly on Goodfellow.com.Does anyone have a pricelist for any other alkali metals from...
I read somewhere that if there are a lot of sugar or flour particles in a space and you introduce a source of ignition there will be a very small explosion.My question being how do you explode flour...