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Do these thermostats ever work? I have lived in about three houses now and it never seems to click the heating on or off you just use it as an on or off switch, or have I just been unlucky ??
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One of the best they have done for years but we cannot justify one answer, can anyone help? Clue is Informer's secretive, who stitched soliders up D-EP -H-O-T must be deep throat but why (can see TA...
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Do people still add a tip after a 10% service charge has been added or has that gone out now ???
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Have posted this in Home and Garden too ... does everyone wear hats and things to a Graduation or is it more casual .. don't want to be the only one in a hat !
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Help its my daughter's graduation in a few days ... I thought everyone wore hats and everything but now I'm not so sure ... don't want to be the only one all dressed up .. does anyone know the score...
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I have installed the latest version of msn except that when I log on it tells me I am already logged on to msn on another computer. I have been to programs to try and uninstall the old version but it...
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I park on a plot of land near my home, the owner lives miles away but has given myself and my two neighbours permission to park there, although there is nothing in writing. The person who lived in my...
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Cannot justify one answerDizzy - lacking energy - second time mother's under the weather (13) -H-N-E-S-O-M-     It must be thunderstorms but can't quite justify ...  
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Have also posted this in How Things Work .. is there a boffin out there who can tell me why in my Miele combination oven, the metal tray does not cause a problem when on microwave function...
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I have a combination oven/microwave.  It has a metal tray.  Why does this not cause a problem when I am using the microwave function ??
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I understand that the vaccine has to be made in live animals.   I would be interested to know what people who object to experiments to animals feel about this and how they feel about...
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Well they are saying all these things about it hasn't gone from humans to humans etc. but I seem to remember them saying much the same about BSE .. anyway .. my question is .. are they still allowing...
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All done but can't justify one answer - Capital troops marching, finally lacking transport Answer seems to be CHEMMIES but can't justify it.  The only other word that fits is CREAMERS
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When I was in L A recently I noticed it is customary to be asked for your zip code when making most purchases and I was surprised when people gave them so readily.  However I now find out that...

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