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Struggling with these:(answers include words of 6 or 7 letters in length) 61. Manners' manor (7,6) 16. Quiz topic river (6)
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Struggling with these: Answers are a form of transport. 32. Boulder meets film (6) 41. Skilled work loses on hundred (4) 55. Southern joint (4)...
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Answers relate to, or include something connected with space - real or fictitious. Clues may be cryptic or general knowledge 20. Musically we've all left Earth (9,4,2,3,4) 23. Brown planet for this...
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Lions Quiz “It’s About Time” C/D 10Th Jan All the answers include the words “time”, “day”, “hour”,”minute” or “second” Thank you :) 62. When you're smiling, the whole world smiles 5,3...
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I am stuck on one last question. The answer is a British Bird Any ideas? The two tiniest birds in Europe Thanks KTXKTX...
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Answers are names of flowers. Not given the number of letters in the answer. Stuck on two. 1 Don't eat this for breakfast 2Leonardo Da Vinci decorated his manuscripts with this Thanks for any help :-)...
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Can you identify these British towns/cities? Floppy Flower Sounds like a modern clue
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Can you identify this musical instrument: In Bordeaux Wine
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What natural phenomenon caused the death of 2850 people in London between 5 and 13 December 1951?
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What vegetable was bred by the Andean Indians to eliminate bitterness and toxicity?

1 to 10 of 10