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All filled in (except one letter!)and understood the theme, but 1down: the obvious answer ends in T, is this right? Sorry this is not much info but I didn't want to give too much away for people still...
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13 down: Trees between university and loch fall every now and then (6) ?ET?LA. Also the 'expression' to write under the grid, is it just a single letter? (if it isn't I'm stumped!) Thanks in advance...
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District's backed endless veg imports in business (5) ?ONAL ..must be ZONAL but how does it parse please?...
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I'm stuck on three clues and would appreciate some help! 19 down: Tiny difference in pitch, when punctured by concerning mark (8) ?I?RE??S 24 down:Hold up to ridicule bead circle piercing nose (7)...
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Just need help on the last two: 21 across (letter not in wordplay is L) Mad Irish descendant of Cambridge sophomore (6) L?C?ED 23 across (one letter not in wordplay) Stringed instruments spahees...
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Any hints on 10A? "Before short Jewish festival, billet oddly prepared Indian food." (Each clue contains either wordplay yielding an extra or missing letter or a single letter misprint in the...
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Have just started on this this morning and spent a couple of hours on it. I have around a third of the solutions but struggling with the grid. Guess it should become clearer once I have the majority...
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I have a possible answer to this, but four of the five groups I am considering highlighting are so obscure that I suspect I am on the wrong track. HAs anyone else found well-known groups of letters to...
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5 D. Liar's answer, one taken in by fools (7) ??a??a? 1 A. Nice house music from India - compact disc (6) g?????a (The 'g' could be wrong). The preamble says there are misprinted definitions in some...
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I think I have resolved the title, but am concerned that my Boxer's name ends with an S, which is redundant. Have I misunderstood ?...
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Sorry my heading got confused! I've got nearly all the grid filled in, with some 'clashes'. Odd animals seem to be appearing, but now I'm completely stuck! What I need is the quotation, but I've no...
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I think I have completed this , but I am a bit worried that I have done the exact opposite of the instruction spelt out by the across clues. Is anyone else in the same position or have I misunderstood...
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Nearly there, but could do with some help with 35across: Iron filings perhaps in Japanese porcelain? Not right (4) I_AI The answer is Imai (imari less 'R') But the answer needs a letter/s removed...
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I thought this weeks was quite difficult but a bit unsatisfactory because I got most of the thematic entries before working out the answers to the thematic clues. Can someone please explain why the...
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I've completed the grid and followed the instruction, but can't see the words that were too long. Is 41a one of them? Thanks in advance....
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Last one (letter!) - should be a normal clue. I think I'm missing the blindingly obvious. 26ac. He deplores person with cerebral disability being housed in the centre of Palermo. (5) LA?ER Can sort of...
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This will make sense only to those who've done, are doing, this puzzle. I have completed the grid and thought I had got the theme -but the 'work' I've got in mind does not have the required number of...
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Having finished this off and done the highlighting, I've just realised I don't really understand the last line of the preamble ' More appropriately than usual, The Chambers Dictionary (2011) is...
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Having managed the bottom half of this puzzle I thought I'd worked out how to treat the 21 words. However, I'm now totally thrown by the top left corner! If I treat 4d in the same way it seems to...
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I have almost all of the grid filled in but wouldn't mind some help with 32D and 45A

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