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that was convicted of assaulting a women 3 times in domestic abuse and got a 5yr restraining order or would you give them the benefit of the doubt if he said he didnt do it.
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how much say does the defence lawyer have when a defendant is found guilty after trial and it goes to probation reports before sentencing in a magistrates
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why do goldfish that live in a pond outside get cloudy eyes ?
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how do magistrates work out the rate of court fees paid by the defendant if found guilty after trial
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hi posted on here before my ex was charged with 3 assaults and 2 criminal damage he pleade not guilty and it went to trial in magistrates he made me go through with evidence and the district judfge...
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been in a domestic violence relashionship i was with ex for 7 months he was charged with 3 assaults and 2 criminal damage by cps and on bail the trial in a dv court ha has plead not guilty to it all...
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hi do magistrates get to read the file that is prepared for the case before trial...
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hi does anyone know in a court case what does the defendant get cross examined on is it the information that he gave in the police interview that is on tape or something else
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hi i was in a domesic violence relationship for 7 mths , me ex boyfriend was charged with 3 assaults and 2 criminal damage,and has pleaded not guilty before i met my ex i was having cognegative...

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