Last two. 12 ac. Altercation from much reduced Brown - boring thing (5) ??A?? 2 d. Internet searcher conceals the total votes cast (6) ?A???T Thanks in advance.. Then I might be able to complete that...
Last 2 (and thanks Germy for the link to the pdf).
Makes peer and earl run away from home, twice (7) E?U?T??
At first, not doing splendidly for ‘Months in Islam’...Christmas, Easter etc?
10ac. Beer consumed by Doctor Who, essentially an adventurer. (7) R?L?I?H. The answer is RALEIGH. The ALE is obvious, but where does R...IGH come from?
Hi. Last one. “TV series causes part time politician to lose heart”(8). I have
C?S?P?T? Unless I’ve gone wrong somewhere the only word I can find is cesspits???
Thanks in advance
Last 2. 9ac. 10, or part of 24 down. S?R??? 10 is Leap, 24 down is Year
7 down. Soul of an MP disturbed about what UK's abandoning ???U?A
Hi. Stuck on last 3 17ac (7) Relative welcomes Trump’s end - therefore Republican angel S - - - S - - (?? Stepson) 4d (7) Board to get penis turning over - E - S - - - 6d (6) Fan who murmurs softly...