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Fancy papering new French city (9)
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Brain Teaser - the theme is Bridges: Any river bridge! (And can also be used for the annual World Championships of this activity including an individual and a four-person team event) 10,6...
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Help please with my final two in The Long Arm of the Law Film Conflict after lawyer appears 5.9 He is below 40 but bought horrid bananas 12...
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The answers are place names: Deletions whee! Mixed up white chalk rocks 3,7,1,1,1 Appropriate setting for the Tempest 7,6 White flower for the reverend with an eye missing 4,7 Thank you...
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The answers are place names Hairpiece on a lord by the sound of it! not long 5,4 Wide areas where Arthur Ransomed Nancy, Peggy and the Walkers, 7,6...
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quintessential Bridal Flower (11) Great Ruler (9) The Winner is This (10) Crossroads or Roundabout(11)...
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Help needed on the last two please: 8. Crumbling remains ended early school for young ladies (8) 61. Tearooms and inns can provide a spontaneous and free form of education (12) Thnak you...
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can anyone give me a clue to the question 18+34+7+13=RA it has something to do wit London

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