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Why does Bruce have to look at his cue card before asking the judges for their comments?
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Sorry to ask this again, but have posted Saturdays general knowledge crossword without noting down the shaded clues,so would be very grateful if someone would let me know them. Many thanks in advance....
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I didn't do Saturdays general knowledge quiz, so haven't got the shaded clues. Could somebody please supply these. Many thanks in advance....
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Has anyone used the service The Ironing Lady? And what were your impressions and was it value for money. Many thanks....
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I am doing this quiz for the first time and would like to know if you have to put the location of the brewery as well. Thanks in advance.
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The answer to these have the symbols au or ag in the answer e.g. kind of dogs story _ shaggy. so could anybody help with these please _ you may get burned with this one 7 letters, immature to throw a...
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Can anyone help me with the three little pigs please? I have found two on pages 47 and 109 but the third has defeated me. Many t hanks in advance.
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On which page can I find Sammy Squirrel in Yours magazine issue 128? Many thanks in advance....
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Has anyone else had their quiz returned by the Post Offce saying there was no such address.
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does anyone have an easy answer o fitting the protective shield over the I Pad without getting lots of bubbles? Thanks in advance.
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deeping lions quiz. Is anybody doing this quiz? I know it is early but I would like to finish it and I just need two = Nos 14 and 74. Many thanks in advance....
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For question 50 I have pommeroys which has 9 letters instead of the eight asked for. Does anyone else have this?...
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I have one left to complete this quiz - no 86 add gin to bitter and what drink do you get 1 4 4. Thanks in advance...
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Three little pigs,I can find two on pages 43 and 152 but cannot find the third. Thanks in advance for any help....
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can someone help with bovine crossing in part six, already have bullbridge. thanks in advance...
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4 down byzantine provincial govenor 6 letters
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places in the uk with something to be found in the home stags bonk here 2.ignite h20 3. ten voles sir racing around here monster running round. thanks a lot.
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Soroptomists Diamond Anniversary quiz - for soroptomists International Chesterfield. Send cheque for £1 plus sae to Mrs M Meeney,14 Quarry Lane,Chesterfield,S40 3AS. Closing date - 1st May 2010...
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Place in the UK,including something found in the house. Bottom of river crossing...

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