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Hugh Spencer

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Hugh Spencer
The Romans introduced the daffodil to Britain, using the leaves to cure catarrh and the bulbs to make plasters. In the 19th century the bulb was boiled down and used to clean the skin and flush the...
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Hugh Spencer
Years ago I was appointed to various schools on a temporary basis. Heads were allocated a certain amount of money to run the school for the coming year. If a head wished to save some of it to purchase...
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Hugh Spencer
Does anyone know where the site of the Bomber Command Memorial will be? Has it been decided between Regents Park and Green Park in London?
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Hugh Spencer
Do many of you know this? I have discovered that all faulty goods should be covered by a 2 year warranty and not 1 year as most are. The EU directive 1999/44/EC states this but it also also says that...
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Hugh Spencer
" We can live again outside Europe. Outside the EU we can be a free and properly democratic nation. Free from Europe we could stop half our government spending being wasted, could save the...
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Hugh Spencer
Do you know who they are and what their plans are for our civilisation ? I think every thinking adult should be aware of what is going on behind the scenes. Type Bilderbergers into your search box and...
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Hugh Spencer
Many have enquired about cheap digital cameras for their children. At a sale at Argos, Vivitar V5018 5MP, 3x optical zoom, 1.8 screen for £26.99 or Hitachi HDC570, 4x optical zoom, 2.3 screen...
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Hugh Spencer
Here's another website for you to read if you are at all interested in the greatness of this country. Don't dismiss it until you have read it.
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Hugh Spencer
A political elite have been encouraging acts of treason to be committed. Too many politicians pay lip service to the principles of democracy whilst serving the interests of self and party. The British...
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Hugh Spencer
Are you aware of what is going on ? Common Purpose is a charity based in Great Britain supported by Deutsche Bank in Germany. Is CP an elitest pro-EU political organisation helping to replace...
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Hugh Spencer
To all those interested as you all should be. In the Daily Mail today, the Government is looking at the possibilty of cutting back on spending on the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight. The amount...
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Hugh Spencer
How many of you have watched the television channel Controversial TV? Could I ask you to find time to watch it from time to time? I am watching The Truth Injection at the moment and the subjects are...
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Hugh Spencer
Have you watched this channel on Sky 200? What truth there is in the programmes, I don't know but if the subjects are factual we all have reason to worry about our futures. What I have been watching...
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Hugh Spencer
Are you going to miss the Sky Living programme series starting tonight at 9 pm and all next week, about the haunting of a Norfolk(uk) WW2 airfield?
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Hugh Spencer
Are you going to watch a Sky programme called Living tonight and all next week at 9 pm? A WW2 airfield in Norfok(UK) is being investigated.
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Hugh Spencer
After trying several compatible cartridges for my Epson Stylus SX200 printer, I have returned to using genuine Epson cartridges. I can get them from 'justinkandpaper' for £7.49 each or...
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Hugh Spencer
Last night , before going to bed, I put my Lifeline pendant on the bedside cabinet and this morning, putting it on, found that it had been tied into a loose knot. I have had table lamps switch on on...
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Hugh Spencer
From todays national press - how long do these things take to decompose when buried. Bread 1-2 weeks Paper towel 2-4 weeks Newspaper 6 weeks Apple core 2 months Cardboard box 2 months Orange peel 6...
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Hugh Spencer
The cost of cartridges is expensive but I am using compatible ones for my Epson printrer. They are 100% guaranteed to work and are returnable if not. I started getting them from Inksmart for...
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Hugh Spencer
Many months ago I was able to choose the background for my e-mails. It won\'t complete doing this at the moment. I click the arrow next to Create Mail, select Stationery, have 14 to choose from, tick...

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