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24 down Quickly finish off joint chaplaincy (5) S?ARF I think that this is SNARF, but I can't parse it. Can anyone help, please?
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Last one. 4 down Oriental mister in China has bout of malaria (8) PALUD?S? PALUDOSE or PALUDISM: I can't parse either. Thanks....
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I'm finished, but can someone explain 34 across, please? Form of music met with endless joy, something groovy for Hamish (6) R?GG?E Looks like REGGAE. Thanks....
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Can anyone explain why 27 across, 'He must have had faith in the good life', is EDDINGTON, please? Thanks....
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Last two. 7a Will leaves kitchen waste in Scottish earthenware crocks (4) ??GS 7d What's briefly showing gain in lead computer technology? (4) ?BI? Thanks....
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I think I've finished, but can't parse the last three. 18 down Dismissed uttered by heartless one in environs of veldt? (7) VOETSAK or VOETSEK? V O(N)E T, but what about the second part? 24 down...
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Stuck on the last couple in NW corner. 1a Dressing borough bigwig wanting a hint of ritual (4) M??? 2d Group of students finally pay attention (4)??AR Thanks....
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Only two left, but I'm completely stumped. 17a He never heard a passion so confused. (7) ?A?AN?O 21a Felinophile featured in Gosse monograph (4) G?AY Thanks for help....
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Anybody else having the same problem as myself with Google Chrome? Last week and this week's Jumbos have a completely garbled grid. The Sunday Times is the same. All the crosswords print perfectly...
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All finished, but not sure of one. 2 down Bag waved in air without opening (4) H?O? I have HOOK, from (S)HOOK, but how is bag hook? Can only think of bagging in the sense of hunting, but it seems a...
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Totally stuck. Need help to restart. 14 across In South America, what part of tree without new ring provides wood there? (9) ??????c?? Thanks....
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Stuck again. 13d Their lands were far and few (3, 8) T?E ?U???I?? Thanks....
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I think I've finished, but... 25 down Bread and veg? (4) ?O?F LOAF I suppose, but I can't quite parse. 26 across Bill's not home, say (5) V?I?E VOICE, again can't parse. Thanks....
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I have one wrong and I think it is 2 down: Emily Dickinson's confiding prodigal (6) I entered ORIOLE, because the checked letters matched O?I??E and she wrote a poem about an oriole. It seems to me to...
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Has anyone else the same problem with the online TLS as me. I can't do the crossword online and when I printed it the clues for 2d, 5d, and 18a are missing. Can someone provide them, please? Thanks....
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Last two. I've racked my brains for ages now. 12a Shirley's better (8) ?A?E?T?? 8d Spanish circle has short time to discover German violinist (5) S?O?? Presumably it starts with SPO. Thanks....
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27a In summary, an initial way of regarding the USSR (6) P?E?I? Is this PRECIS, and if so why? Thanks....
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Last one. I think. 13d Bond creation who knew his station in life (10) ?A?T?N?T?N...
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Really stuck on 13a, Cardinal and whichever saint backs early church meeting (7) X?N?X?? Last letter could be 'W', making it even more obscure. Thanks....
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Last one. 14a Sea creature half-visible from Orkney (4) ?R?A Why would this be ORCA, please?...

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