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i want my skin to be as healthy as possible but dont no how! what is your best way that you have found to keep your skin looking clear and glowing? Also whats the best way of getting rid of chapped...
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im not sure,but if you use sunt tan cream does it just stop you from burning or does it limit ure tan aswell? qbecause without it on are you more likely to get a darker tan? ....and the higher the...
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I dont no why but lately i have been feeling abit down. I dont see the point in living...i just feel everythink is so nowadays people just judge you on the way you look etc...and...
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where in the world is your favourite place-? what is your favourite country-? nicest culture and most fascinating-? the most amazing place ever-?
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whats your favourite type of food-? what country were you in when you ate the best food ever-?
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i dont understand this webaite very well ! lol ive only just joined ! what does it mean on your profile when it says questions answers  and then removed? what does it mean by removed? and how do...
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Does anyone no of where i can get a white rara skirt, because i like them for when i play tennis but nowhere seems to sell them anymore if anyone knows of where i can get one please tell me...
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about a week ago a rash came on my legs(mostly upper leg) and it was red itchy n little bumps i went to the doctor and he said it was probably a allergic reaction to something.and called it hives.I...

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