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i came across what i think is a shrub but cannot find out its name can anyone help? bears cascades of bell or trumpet like flowers that are salmon pink at the tip of the stem then change to a pale...
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thanks to SIR.PRIZE info worked a treat
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is it possible to print out the list of favorites?
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my grandaughter has got a logitech web cam for xmas but can not get it to work do you have to pay to use a web can on msn?
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would appreciate ans for 65 d french suburb anagram of o fab guru ?a?b?u?g i think
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which ABBA cd has a track with something to do with rising at 8 going to work coming home etc etc .heared it on radio but missed title and cd
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Thanks PowerLee scrolling through old answers and came upon your answer to my question.Have tried in vain to post a reply so if you're out there click on most recently answered for my reply to you...
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if i was to build my own computer apart from say windows xp what other programs would i need to get the machine up and running
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has anybody any idea how much a new throttle unit for a peugeot 406 is likely to cost & would it be easy for me to fit ?
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can anyone help with system 32 prob error message at start up reads as follows c:/windoes/system32/msa64chk.dll restore facility has gone awol maybe due to above master restore disc lacking windows...
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may sound like a stupid question but can i load the master restore disc from my computer on to another of a different make that has gone pear shaped
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what is the easiest method of wiping a dard drive clean ,can it be done without a disc ??
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some low life has superglued my daughters car door locks ,any suggestions onhow to release them?
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can anybody take me through the procedure for compiling a two or  three column list then sorting them all alphabetically(by that i mean all lists are in  a-z order so when printed out...
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a friend has just bought a car from carcraft and drove it home the same day without any motor tax.None of the cars on show had any tax and when we queried this we where told that it did not present...
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Why after eating a huge  main course meal and feeling full fit to burst(can't finish whats on the plate) is one then able to go on to eat dessert, cheese & biscuits ,coffee, mints drink...
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.My friend recalls playing on tractors as a child that had  duel fuel switches, one for petrol one for t.v.o what does t.v.o stand for(I think tractor vehicle oil similar to derv)

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