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Cola bear

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Cola bear
Any help please with 39 a 1 T P and with no 55 I F 1/2 N M (Gaeilge). I'm almost there. 
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Cola bear
Can anyone help me with no 8 please.
H:an A S -C1
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Cola bear
Can anyone help me with no 8 please.
H:an A S -C1
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Cola bear
I've been dating a guy for almost a year now and we've never had intercourse. We've tried twice but it just didn't happen. We do everything else though like oral and hand jobs but sometimes I wish it...
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Cola bear
hi guys, just wondering if anyone can help me with this embarrassing problem. I've had a coil fitted and have found that I'm suffering from dryness in my privates since having this done even when i'm...
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Cola bear
Hi guys really need advice here..... Had been seeing a guy for 4 years got on fine til last summer. Finished in May. Got back together in Dec with the promise of all things new. Was fine upto 4 wks...
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Cola bear
Was going out with this guy for 31/2 years. Broke up 6 months ago (his fault). Now he wants to get back together says he can't live without me. Even declared his undying love for me on Sunday. Is it...
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Cola bear
No matter what I eat my stomach tends to bloat. Sometimes its slightly painful. I don't really eat a great deal and would be fairly healthy. My stomach makes wierd groaning sounds for ages as well....
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Cola bear
I've just recently discovered that a guy I've known for nearly 4years has fancied me and I quote "the first night we met" Now I find myself thinking bout him ALL the time. The only problem is he's a...

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