Is Jack P Shepherd (David Platt in Coronation Street) any relation to Jack Shepherd who played Supt. Wycliffe in the series of that name ? Totally different personalities I know, but stranger...
Where can I find FM radio channels for traffic warnings on the A1, A14, M11 and M25 (I will be travelling from Lincolnshire to Gatwick in the near future, on a Sunday). ?Any specific warnings for this...
Can anyone explain why there is a delay (approx 3 secs) between analogue radio and digital radio broadcasts. I first noticed this when I checked my radio controlled clock against a BBC time signal. Do...
Who was the 1930's music hall comedian who always came on stage to the march "The entry of the gladiators" ? Also who was the comedian of the same period who did a monologue "Dreaming O my darling...
I recently investigated ticket prices from UK to Canada and was surprised to find that there were substantial extra charges (of the order of 50 - 60% of the airline prices) listed as "taxes". What are...
When I was in the RAF in the early 50's , I remember going to a pub in the centre of Lincoln called "The Saracen's Head". Having recently moved back to Lincolnshire, I tried but was unable to find...
Does anyone know the words of the Latin that features in the introductory and closing sequences of "Silent Witness" ? I have listened carefully but cannot make out any of it except the last word which...
Can someone explain the meaning of the occasional sets of bars painted on the roads ? They seem to consist of 7 wide bars with sets of 5 narrow bars in between. I presume they are something to do with...
I have recently acquired a second-hand Canon Typestar10, in working order but without an instruction manual. I have tried the Canon UK website but with no result. Can anyone advise where I can get a...
In the uniformed police ranks, an inspector wears two pips and a chief inspector three pips on each shoulder. Is there or has there ever been a rank wearing only one pip ? (such as a second lieutenant...
Two characters who appear in quite a number of the Reginald Hill "D & P" books don't seem to have made it onto TV - I refer to Franny Roote and Edgar Wield's partner Edwin. Can anyone confirm this...
When Holst wrote the "Planets" suite, why did he miss out Earth ? Has any other composer written a piece to fill in this blank ? And why are the pieces always played in the wrong order ? They should...
I have recently moved to a house which has the whole bathroom panelled in Vitrolite. I am trying to fit a shelf on one of the walls but have so far not been able to drill any fixing holes - a masonry...
How do I get information on a mobile phone code ? I recently texted a number (84247) that was advertising free ring tones. Since then my pay-as-you-go account has been debited by over ?10 for service...
Has anyone driven in Arab countries? I came to the conclusion that the drivers there used the sequence "manoeuvre - signal - mirror", rather than the correct one -...
We have recently rehomed a Saluki cross bitch, about 18 months old. A delightful pet in every way, except she hardly ever seems to drink. We leave fresh water but she rarely touches it. All we can do...