Just wondering, does anyone know whats going on with my foot. Sometimes when i rest it in a certain position, usually when pushing down on something so the middle of my foot is taking the pressure, i...
I have no clue of the name of it, but all the levels were kind of like fairgrounds, and there were balls you could bounce across... Probably the worst description ever... any ideas?
In College, whenever any of us attaches a USB device, ipod or mp3 player etc.. then try to open 'My Computer', the system will become unresponsive, and nothing will work. We end up turning it off and...
According to the CD/DVD i installed my internet connection with, it says "Welcome to NTL Broadband." I set it all up etc... Start, Settings, Network connections, and according to that - the broadband...
Bells Scotch Whisky Decanter., Commemerating Prince Charles' wedding to Diana. Does anyone know the price of it in the box, great condition? And also, does anyone have any information on why Bells...
I'm 17 years old, and i read alot compared to most people my age, my favourite author is Steven King, i have read all of his books... (i think), and i adored his 'The Dark Tower' series... its just im...
Is there any chance i could get emulators such as Snes9x to work on the Wii, if i put the emulator and a few games onto a external hard drive, or even a memory stick that connects to usb? or would i...
After i finish college, im in my second year now, and confident of getting high grades at the end.. I am looking to go and do a Business/Maths degree in university, just wondering.. is there anyone...
I am interested in setting up my own t-shirt printing company, i am just wondering what would be the easiest way to get blank t-shirts where i can get my own brand printed on the tags, and would it be...