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cheating sue

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cheating sue
7 down 6 letters place of incarceration
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cheating sue
trouble with last 2,61 down is it steepish or steepest ,also72 downperceived by direct apprehension (9)letters, many thanks and a happy christmas to all
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nigel T
mos 70 down:- gave the first performance "I thought I had the answer until I found the answer for 89 accross off big dave"
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We report that a B_ _ _ _ _ called Rocky hit a Penguin from M _ _ _ _ _ _ over the head with a Club tied him to a Wagon Wheel with a Blue Riband kidnapped a T _ _ _ _ _ _ and made his Breakaway in a...
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cheating sue
can anyone help me firstly sunday express 10,across, in biochemistry,any of a family of proteins made by cells in response to virus infection,which prevents its growth (10) alsomail on sunday prize...
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cheating sue
stuck on 1 down company that owns and operates more than one cruise liner, 4 and 5 letters ?r?d ?l?e?
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cheating sue
last one 38 across,french composer famed for orchestrating auvergne folk songs,10 letters, ihave?a?t?l?u?e
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cheating sue
stuck one 7 across, a raiding excursion, 6 letters ?e?t?e
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cheating sue
i am really struggling today! can anyone help me with 1 down rectangular object for holding papers securely ?l?p?o??? ,also3 downhow 3 of the countries of 9 down are collectively known ?e?e?u?, and5...
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cheating sue
stru ggling on two ,2 down and 13 across,
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cheating sue
just unsure on two 18down anfd 30 down . 18 d 3and 4 letters?w? t?N? 30d d?c?o?
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cheating sue
i am stuck with 8 across 6 down , can you help ?
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cheating sue
5 down and 26 down ,my last two then i have finished , please help me

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