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Someone told me that on This Morning the other week they were talking about a new websire for people who are step-parents but who don't have kids of their own. I have searched but can't find it. Can...
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Am I the only person in the world who thinks that people should have to take a test before they're allowed to have kids (men and ladies)? This is how I think it should go: You are tested on things...
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Hi, I have a new coat and cant find a handbag to go with it. I think a dark green one would go but I can't find one anywhere. I'd quite like velvet or cord but the colours more important. Can anyone...
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I had a lil operation on Monday and feel ok but I am still soooooo sleepy. Any ideas how to get my energy back cos I have to go back to work on Saturday and I hope not to be completly useless.
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Will my dissolvable stitches dissolve in the shower?
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My dad accidently caused a fire ball in the kitchen during a power cut (long story in which he set both himself and the dog on fire!) He burned his arm and went to the nurse to have it dressed and my...
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Is it true that if I put conkers in my house the spiders will not come in? My mate is insistent but I think it must be a load of pants or else everyone would have rooms full of them.
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I have to have this done to check for endometriosis. Has anyone else had this done? Is it painful and will I need to book any days off after at work to recover or will it be ok? Thanks, I've never had...
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My boyfriend put in a claim for family tax credit and they rung him up yesterday to say someone was already claiming for that child. Turns out that his ex has been frudulently claiming family tax...
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Are there sharks in Lanzarote?
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My mother in law wants to get a cat but would need to put in catflap. Her son - who is a bit odd - is trying to put her off saying that she can't have one cos a fox might go in the catflap and into...
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Used that Driclor stuff last night and even though i have used it loads it has decided to burn my armpits, which is nice. Read on here about using aloevera gel to sooth it so I bought some this...
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Are text messages covered by the data protection act? A collueges nutsy wife pretended to be him and had a text conversation with another colluege. The wife then sent to the boss. He hates this other...
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Does anyone know where I can find mens shoes in a size 4 width fitting G? Have looked everwhere and we can't fins them so small and wide.
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A guy at work has made an official complaint against our deputy manager and the information she has so far is that he overheard a telephone conversation which gave him the impression that she "wanted...
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I live with my boyfriend and his 15year old son. We both work full time. If he were to apply for family tax credits would my income be counted as his son is not my child? I'm guessing it would but...
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Do people who have type 2 diabetes suffer from both hypoglyceamic attacks and also hyperglyceamic attacks or just the hypos? :) x
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I have just sucked up a big spider with my hoover. I am very scared of them and my boyfriend is not here to empth it for me. Will the spider crawl out when I turn the hoover off or is it likely it...
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Can text messages between two people who work together be used against them. They were not sent during work time and not using work telephones. Just so happens one of them has a nutsy wife who has...

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