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1D Composer's request involving opening of rondo (4) ?E?G
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12A This has recalled period expression of 'Damn!' (4) E?A? We can think only of EGAD which has AGE backwards, but why D?...
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11D Obscene material? Vague limit on publication, perhaps (4) ?A?N Answer might be PAWN, but why? Thank you...
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18A American city discovered in mid-morning (4) R?N? Why RENO? 26A Singers forming a ring within the board (7) T?E?L?S Why TREBLES?...
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19A Tar present, chemically, in china clay (4) ?A?T
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23D Upset, not following regulation (4). We have R_L_ and think it must be RULE or RILE, but don't understand the wordplay.
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3D Its use may lead to heated words (11,3) S?M?A?H?T?? ?N? We thought SYMPATHETIC EAR but the N is from STAGNATED in 26A. And why SYMPATHETIC EAR anyway?...
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29a Set about one home, introducing hint of velour (6) ?N?E?T We know this has been answered but there is no explanation and we're worried that nobody else will look at it. INVEST has no definition,...
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A bit stuck on two, answers or explanations much appreciated. 29A Set about one home, introducing hint of velour (6) ?N?E?T 28A Various maps including cinema access? (8) The answer seems to be...
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Really struggling with this one. Much prefer PHI! Don't understand the relevance of the +. 18d ??E/?I?? In bad period, bishop stands in for a parson of sorts. Is the second word TIME?...
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25a Style, fashion, the ultimate in elegance (4) T?N? We think TONE or TONY, but can't work out why - where is the subsidiary part of the clue? It's the only one left and have been puzzling over it...
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Character you'd catch sleeping with star of EastEnders, making love (4)

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