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I just cant take the whole thing seriously its just Pop Idol with tattoos!I really don't see the point of it,if the music industry was a little more understanding about the music (and not just...
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It was about spitfire pilots based in England .Martin Clunes played a squadron leader type it was on tv about 10 years ago.
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What happened to Mr Twanky ?Was he killed or did he die naturally?
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I just dont get the moomins at all !!!!
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I read the book,that was very predictable ,and the film was just second rate.
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Its been nearly a week now since any good knee jerk reactions by the government on the news for example "Bird Flu" aaaarrrrrrgh we are all doomed!!!
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The album Uncovered by Ozzy Osbourne is so bad it is poorly sung ,poorly played,over produced,He is such a legend in his own right why did his talentless daughter have to sing on it? In short it is...
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Playing in a band is frustrating as some venues say "it needs to be more commercial" if we did that though we wouldnt sound like us what are you supposed to do?
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Why do the windscreen wipers on my megane come on occasionally by themselves causing the heater fan to blow intermittantly also?
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Was "The Gangs of New York" based on any historic fact?
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My next door neighbours are a family of alchoholic tone deaf ,karaoke singing ,football fans,that all have to shout every conversation.They all sleep very heavily after their parties that proceed into...
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Has anything that is instantly recognisable on a daily basis ever been invented by an Australian?
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Why do the drums on the saint anger album by Metallica sound like they have been recorded down a well?
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I was watching sky one last night and there was a travel programme on reviewing hotels in Amsterdam, The music in the background was a dance/hip hop type tune that sampled "Orion"by Metallica ,who is...
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Will the later 1800 engine out of the 1974 to 1979 models fit into a 1968 model?
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What would you do if your 16 year old daughter stood in front of you and said this is my boyfriend (Shane Mcgowan ,vocalist with the Pogues),P.S this is only a hypothetical question.
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I cant understand why Madonna is always on TMF at the moment with that ABBA rip off song she has out at the moment it is the probably the worst thing she has ever done,the lyrics are abismal and the...
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I would love to get a DVD of Free in concert and i just dont know where to get one from, i have tried HMV and Virgin to no avail any help would be muchly appreciated...cheers!
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On the subject of gormless boy bands have any of them actually had any members that have gone and had a solo career that actually was any good?

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