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13d Where life starts ?I?T???A?A 35a Pompous self important P?E?A?T???S 33d State of hesitation I?C???C?U?E 42a Branched ????F?E? 43d area uncovered at low tide ??I?L?T 52a Out of the way A?I?E...
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Get hold of number, jazz number?
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Stuck on one...thanks in advance! Small points of shifting colour (11)...I hae -p-e-s-e-c-...
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didn't get paper on sat due to snow shaded words...
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4 down: What updates lawyers regarding their billing arrangements? Answer seems to be "Refresher course". I see that a refresher is an update, but beyond that I don't know. How does "lawyers regarding...
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d/t 27127 2d informal conference has element to embrace every individual 5-2 t?a?? ?t 23a bird gets to canoodle with clinton 9 s?o?g?i?l 28a african .nation like takeaway food t?g? 13a what managing...
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3a Head to run, having sworn. (5,4) ?N?E? OATH....
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Hi - I am stuck for the final answer of this 1991 quiz. The answer is an Underground Station - the Clue is Aspirateless aim of the M.D. All help gratefully received...
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Am stuck on quite a few. Key ones are 15a: Coaching with a stew of dumplings - ?????h? - 7 letters. 13d: Opening in a lake breached by herald - ?????U??? _ 9 letters. 14d: One teeny movement lost in...
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38D - too valuable to be changed? Am unable to engage brain for this one - help please...
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can anyone help please A supply of remounts on a ranch etc (6) Thank you...
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what is section of radio or TV interviews with members of public called please? Two words of 3 letters
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5a) Mainly in North America, a choir singing part-songs etc (4,4) -L-E/-L-B
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Does anyone know who the sportsman is in GUESS WHO! Many thanks
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6d Thrives, triumphs (8) ?U???E?S 27a Jittery, unsettled (6) U?E??? 19a Favoured, recommended (8) A?P?O??? Thanks
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Anybody else not have 21 Down?
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Herons' laments on being beheaded. (6) E?R?T?. Thanks for all help offered.
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I am stuck on these last two wee ones please help. 22a.organised sailors to seize head of army 3 letters R?N 25d. patriarch,s occupation 3 letters J?B job?...
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2D System of labelling - S?l ?a 49A Well known line by Burns - A ?a?s ? M?n ?o? ? ?t?? 36D Like music with one or more solo parts - C?n?e???n?e...
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20 ac, Minimum charge once for opening factory up in run down area (4,3) Answer skid row. Could anyone help me understand the wordplay.TIA as always....

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