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Planning Law.

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jjland678 | 22:06 Fri 08th May 2015 | Civil
10 Answers
Hello everyone. recently i lanning appeal to into a stableblock which is a brownfield site into a dwelling. I want to live in it for myself. The planning inspector in my planning appeal wrote ( I appreciate the appellant's intention to reside in the dwelling, but in the absence of any occupancy restriction, could not be assured in perpetuity )

I have recently put in planning permission again but this time i put i want a s106 occupancy restriction. Me and the council never ever seen eye to eye on planning, so i dont trust them. the plans and planning application form are same as appeal, but just occupancy restriction added. after 8 weeks which is time council is allowed to make a decision will this be just rubberstamped pass, as appeal inspector is alot higher up than my council in law. any advise would be helpful, also i dont want to ring council as they tell me any rubbish, many thanks


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Don't have a lot of luck with planning and land purchase jjland do you?
23:39 Fri 08th May 2015
I not sure you'll receive the advice your after as
A) your post is very difficult,to understand and
B) section 106 is very complex.

I'd employ a planning consultant if I were you.
What, exactly, are you intending to put forward as a Section 106 agreement? Given that you MIGHT one day want to move and you'll CERTAINLY die eventually, any such agreement would need to look beyond your immediate occupancy of the house. So what are you suggesting would be appropriate?
What is the acreage.
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very good answers, i am leaving the restriction to the council to see what the counci comes up with. the village isnt sustainable neither is the bus route, how ever it used to be fully sustainable, as someone in village putting in for a house and its off to planning commiteeappens the commettie makes sustainable. the parcel of land with the stables is about 0.2 acres for a guess last time it failed on too much land and that was onlt 0.7 acres, the planning inspectors are very strictw mucth any project. ,many thanks for all the help
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sorry for bits of my writing missing but this site on my pc so slow its like typeing a word a minute lol oh well .
Don't have a lot of luck with planning and land purchase jjland do you?
-- answer removed --
ZX has hit the nail on the head

you dont need us ( we all think you should live in the stableblock ) you need a planning agent and to follow his advice. If he says hire a planning lawyer, hire one.

Do not make jokes about 'Little Hitlers in tacky boxes'

My brother was told the planning process would cost HIM £20k
4 acres with piped water is ideal for 2acres of glass for tomatos. That would warrant a dwelling, as proved. If not interested, sell to a grower.

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