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Swinging Sixties Quiz - Closes 24Th October 2014 - Treetops Hospice (519540)

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Popsgirl | 13:26 Wed 15th Oct 2014 | Quizzes & Puzzles
11 Answers
I have received a large pile of completed quiz sheets today, many thanks. Unfortunately, I will be unable to mark one of them as the 'remains' of the quiz sheet and large brown envelope were sent to me in a Royal Mail plastic bag apologising for the condition it has reached me. Someone has seen fit to tear the envelope and quiz sheet in half (where the answers were!) and taken the cash. There are remnants of brown parcel tape on back of the quiz sheet were the coin was taped but unfortunately didn't stop the theft. Again many thanks to everyone doing the quiz and supporting Treetops Hospice.



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That is absolutely disgusting. I hope you are going to complain to Royal Mail about this.
there are some low lifes around ,fancy stealing from a charity
Sadly this is all too common today......but stealing from a Charity is beyond the pale.
Sorry, but anyone stupid enough to put coins in an envelope can't really expect them to arrive at the destination. Who would even do that?
it's for a charity Quizmonkey
It's also a criminal offence to open or tamper with other people's mail.
When entering quizzes, I always used to write a cheque, but often the amount is only a pound or 50p,seems a bit much to write cheque for that amount, So I now fasten coin in envelope, so yes I would do that...what do other people do .
when i send 50p for a quiz, i wrap it in cardboard tape it up, then tape to quiz sheet. haven't had a problem so far
always cheques for me If its a 50p quiz I tend to write one for £1
I know all that and I'm not condoning anything untoward! But that's reality - and it's naive to expect anything else.
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Thank you all for your comments.

Yes, chorley9 I do intend to complain to the Royal Mail.

Looking through my past quizzes around 50% of them were paid by cash and secured to quiz sheet and/or card. I have only had the odd envelope where some tampering had taken place but with the coin secured by tape, it wasn't stolen..... they gave up! Once I had one quiz returned without the coin being taped so when it arrived the loose coin had 'disappeared'. I find that when either card or a stamped addressed envelope is enclosed it does camouflage the coin whereas a coin just taped to the quiz sheet does leave an imprint on the envelope and is a temptation to an unscrupulous person.


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Swinging Sixties Quiz - Closes 24Th October 2014 - Treetops Hospice (519540)

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