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Advice Needed Please

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chrissa1 | 20:08 Wed 14th Sep 2011 | Business & Finance
3 Answers
I have posted on here before about my late husband's business web site.

I have had some communications with a company who are wanting to take it over. I've provided proof that there are some large orders available from a company in Spain that my husband used to deal with and indeed spoke to their MD this afternoon in Spain, who was quite happy for me to pass their details over as he still wants a UK company to buy from.

I e mailed the Uk company a copy of my husband's last quote to Spain, making sure that all names were deleted. Should I "keep my powder dry" about the name of the company until we have a signed agreement? I thought I should.

The company over here is maybe looking for me to keep the web site going but to give me a % of orders won instead of buying it outright from me.

My quandary is, that to keep it on Page 1 of Google it needs a lot of SEO work doing on it all the time and I'm not really qualified to do that. My husband used to do it.

Do I sell the web site and contacts etc for a lump sum, (how much), or come to some agreement over the site and %'s. If they are not very good at winning orders then I'm going to lose out and I could really do with some money from my only asset.

Any advice would be welcomed. Thanks.


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If you can learn seo why not. Or if you can hire an seo do it now. If that website is important to your husband. It is better to keep it and take are of the site. Try to check with Global WebForce. Maybe they can help you.
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