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gsr600 | 21:29 Thu 23rd May 2013 | Body & Soul
7 Answers
I pressume this is a antibiotic, well it has some side effects on me, what other alternatives may be better for me, it has a water passing affect- without to much detail.



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You need to speak to gp if this doesn't suit...
Yes, it is an antibiotic.
Unless you give more details about the side effects and for what reason you are taking the antibiotic, i cannot help.
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given meds from Hospital after 3 day stay, M/cycle accident lots of cuts n bruises,removal of distal phalanges - L/H index finger, OUCH, side effects the old boy is a bit red & angry lol.Thanks
\\\\the old boy is a bit red & angry\\
Not completely sure what you mean by this..;-0...but i doubt whether that is a side effect of your antibiotic.
Make sure that you drink plenty and monitor the situation for the next 48 hours.
Thrush? I know it can have that effect on women when taken.
ruthandsam.......quite a thought.......but it would be extremely unusual in a man.
Hmmmm - I didn't realise that Sqad. I dare not ask why!!!

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