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Calories Burned - Swimming

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echokilo | 16:41 Sun 17th Feb 2013 | Health & Fitness
10 Answers
Today I swam 1000 metres .... a mixture of breast and side stroke ............ weighing 14st 2lb, and taking around 40 minutes to do it (so only really steady) how many calories would I have used and how is this calculated? Or is there a website to calculate it for me which takes account of body weight?


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No idea..........but exercise alone ( without cutting down what you eat) is a poor way of weight reduction, but good for cardiovascular health.
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Thanks everyone - each of the calculators give a slightly different answer, but it's a great guide .... and Sqad, I am counting calories at 1200 a day max ...... but confused about whether I should eat more on the days I exercise or not though (??) Swimming this amount 3 x a week. Any advice gratefully received.
echo...on your swimming days, eat the same amount as on non swimming days providing of course that you don't feel sweaty and weak.
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Thanks Sqad ..... and with sticking to 1200 calories daily (which I am calculating on and ensuring they arebalance, 5 a day, not lacking in protein etc .... should this and the exercise help me move the weight - and if so, in your experience, at what rate? Ish?
I believe that muscle weighs more than fat, so although you may not lose weight you will be losing fat and gaining muscle, which is good.
You say you are using my fitness pal - the app for that will calculate how many calories swimming uses up.
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It does Lynda - but it's way too high compared to other calculators - and am just not sure which is accurate!

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Calories Burned - Swimming

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