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Plumbers Wages

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gasman | 16:10 Sun 06th Nov 2005 | Jobs & Education
5 Answers

I have just taken on an apprentice he is in his final year & already got his NVQ 2 Basic plumbing. But anybody know what the qoing rate is for a 3rd year apprentice plumber ????



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contact your local connexions centre - they should be able to help if he is under 19
Question Author
cheers b13thy but he is slightly older as he decided on a career change. He is 23yrs old
connexions still may be able to help (sometimes they deal with up to 25's) - if not contact your local learning and skills council
Question Author
Thanks b13thy i will look them up & give them a call I will let you know how i get on.

Taken from HM Revenue & Customs NMW page:

An employer must pay their workers a minimum amount as defined by law. This is called the National Minimum wage.

There are three levels of minimum wage, and the rates from 1st October 2005 are:

�5.05 per hour for workers aged 22 years and older
A development rate of �4.25 per hour for
workers aged 18 - 21 years inclusive
workers aged 22 years and above, starting a new job with a new employer and doing accredited training*
3.00 per hour which applies to all workers under the age of 18 who are no longer of compulsory school age**. This rate remains unchanged from the rate in force in the period 1st October 2004 to 30th September 2005.
*Accredited training is a course approved by the UK Government to obtain a vocational qualification.

**Compulsory School age

So, I believe the minimum you could pay him is �4.25 per hour, anything more, and its up to you!

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