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Oblivion - missing daughter quest

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Booldawg | 09:36 Thu 27th Jan 2011 | Gaming
9 Answers
I've completed this quest before in a previous saved game but cant remember how its invoked (cant get on Oblivion wiki at work either)

Its the quest given by the Argonian shop keeper of Northern Trade and Goods in Chorrol to find her daughter (Dar-Ma?) that is missing in Hackdirt. Its the one where she's kept prisoner in caves by those weird Brethren people.

How is the mission made available?


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I've been there a few times Vibe, to trade etc. I noticed the daughter isnt there but she's not said owt.
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Not sure Vibes, I've played it a few times early on in the game. It must be triggered after a certain event. I've still got a few early on missions to do for the Fighters Guild that I've not done on this saved game. Had to start from a really early point due to a bad saved game and contacting the vampire disease (difficult to shift) I need 3 months unemployed, an empty house a multipack of Quavers, beer and Oblivion to make any progress.

'going back to Hackdirt'! when are we likely to see the debut tour? I've always fancied the name 'Killing Villains' for a band.
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ps. did see you come on last night. I'm still on silver so can only send emails.
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yes i bought gold for step-daughters b-day off amazon for under 30 quid. She's also nicked my copy of Black Ops!

I used to love GR on the orginal xbox. Its still the best war type game ever made.
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did this mission last night. Not sure how it came my way, just went in the shop and she asked me to help find her daughter.

This time round I realised its important which exit you make out of the caverns. Coming back up in the village and being seen by the locals ensues in a big scrap that will often lead to Dar-ma being killed. You do have the option of going back to the shop and giving her mum the bad news but didnt want to fail.

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